Drum (2004) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Drum (2004) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Drum” was produced in 2004 and directed by Zola Maseko. Taye Diggs, Gabriel Mann, and Tumisho Masha were starring in it. This article is about the filming locations of the movie, the roles of the actors and some interesting backstage stories.

Where it Filmed?

“Drum” was shot in South Africa. The filming took place from November 7, 2003, to December 15, 2003. It had a length of 1 hour and 34 minutes and was released on 22 July 2005 in South Africa.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Taye Diggs Henry Nxumalo
Gabriel Mann Jurgen Schadeberg
Moshidi Motshegwa Florence Nxumalo
Jason Flemyng Jim Bailey
Fezile Mpela Todd Matshikiza
Keketso Semoko Fatsy
Bonnie Mbuli Dara Macala
Tanya Baleson Planning Clerk
Emgee Pretorius Johan Snyman
Connie Mfuku Mother Who Lost Her Son
Walter Knight Morgan
Jacques Gombault Cop #2
Dada Koyana Suspicious Woman
Etienne Muller Cop #1


Trivia and Facts

The film stars Taye Diggs as a talented journalist challenging the Apartheid regime in the 1950s South Africa. Other actors include Gabriel Mann and Tumisho Masha. The film has achieved 2 wins and 1 nomination in various award categories. Drum was recognised both by the public and the critics, with 4 user reviews and 9 critic reviews. Other dedicated contributors to the success of the movie were Jason Filardi, Timothy Grimes, and Zola Maseko, who were among the writers of the film. The film had a runtime of 94 minutes and was shot in English, Afrikaans, and German. The budget for the movie is estimated at $3,600.MV5BMTc3NDI0MTAzN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwODA3ODUz. V1 QL75 UX820

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: South Africa
    • Latitude: -30.559482
    • Longitude: 22.937506
    • Place ID: ChIJURLu2YmmNBwRoOikHwxjXeg
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: South Africa
    • Timezone: Africa/Johannesburg

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