Journey to Spirit Island (1990) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Journey to Spirit Island (1990) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie, “Journey to Spirit Island,” released in 1990, takes us on an adventure story about an Indian tribe, their lonesome ‘Spirit Island’, and a greedy individual who attempts to sell this land. The film stars Bettina Bush, Brandon Douglas, and Gabriel Damon in key roles and is directed by László Pal. This article will talk about details relating to the filming locations of the movie, key roles, trivia, and thought-provoking facts about the film’s production.

Where it Filmed?

“Journey to Spirit Island” was filmed at the picturesque location of San Juan Island, Washington, USA. This extensive filming phase started on Aug 12, 1987. The evergreen island served as the perfect backdrop for the movie’s storyline.MV5BYzI0NWJhMjMtZjhlZS00MjcwLThhMDEtNmZjOWQ2ZjJhNTBlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzU0NzkwMDg@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Brandon Douglas Michael
Gabriel Damon Willie
Tarek McCarthy Klim
Tony Acierto Hawk
Nick Ramus Tom
Maria Antoinette Rogers Jimmy Jim
Frank Salsedo Hoots
Skeeter Vaughan Harry
Eddie Hottowe Lacy
Rod Gibbons Peter Mitchel
Harry McCarthy Tribal Chairman
Lester Greene Tipskin
Attila Gombacsi Phil
George Amiotte Tipskin’s Son
Fran Tyler Girl 1
Betty Jean Parker Girl 2
Julie Thompson Girl 3
Vern Knaus Boy 1
Allas Rose Boy 2
Tim Greene Boy 3

Trivia and Facts

  • Release Date: The adventure movie “Journey to Spirit Island” was released in the year 1990.
  • Length of the Movie: The film has a duration of 1 hour and 33 minutes.
  • Principal Cast: The film features Bettina Bush, Brandon Douglas, Gabriel Damon in the lead roles.
  • Director: The movie was directed by László Pal.
  • Award: The movie won one award for its unique storytelling and direction.
  • Reviews: The film received reviews from 3 users and 2 critics.
  • Production Companies: The production companies involved are Disney Channel, Sunset Kids, White Light Films.
  • Fun Fact: Despite the movie being completed in 1987, it wasn’t released until 1992. It premiered in the United States on the Disney Channel.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: San Juan Island, Washington, USA
    • Latitude: 48.55136710000001
    • Longitude: -123.0781062
    • Place ID: ChIJU6gpNw58j1QRF2bTb2GwlWA
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: San Juan Island, Washington 98250, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles