Broadcast (2022) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Broadcast (2022) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Broadcast” is a Fantasy/Sci-Fi movie that aired in 2022. The movie, which runs for 1 hour and 28 minutes, tells the story of an eccentric billionaire who invents a drug that stops aging, effectively eliminating death. The main roles were played by Eric Roberts, Anastasiia Duvallie, and Ashley Nicole Blake. The movie was directed by Cole Davidson and Matthew Luke Tucci. This article will provide more information about the filming locations and reveal some fun facts about the movie.

Where it Filmed?

The movie “Broadcast” was filmed in Rhode Island, USA. Unfortunately, the exact filming dates are not available.MV5BYzU2NmYzMzAtMmZiYS00MTJmLTlhZjYtMWIzMGE0ZjE2ZDM2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTE4NzAzMzU5. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Eric Roberts Sherman Paragon
Anastasiia Duvallie Jade
Jeff Mark Myles
Leah Janvier Olivia
Mary Liz Adams Sarah
Marilee Alexander Older Female Patient
Dorothy Ambrosino Cloaked Infinite #1
Louis Rocky Bacigalupo Roman
Abigail Bancroft Choir Member #8
Alzira Baptista Choir Onlooker #2
Alex Barber Choir Member #7
Gina Barber Choir Onlooker #6
Jason Bartlett Cloaked Infinite #8
Jesse Bartlett Cloaked Infinite #7
Becky Bass Younger Female Patient
Hope Blackstock Vivian
Sondra Blake Eccentric Old Lady
Robert Bouvier Neighborhood Kid #1
Rabel Bueno Younger Male Patient
Pietro Camardella Cloaked Infinite #6
Antonia Carroll News Anchor
Jessalyn Charpentier General Store Patron #6
Shay Charpentier Infinite Bike Rider #2
Erika Baptista Costa Choir Member #6
Ej Dayworth Female Warehouse Teenager #2
Chantel de Beaulieu Board Member #2
Crystal DiQuinzio Infinite Walker
Steve Doherty Board Member #3
Christopher Donohue Older Male Patient
Franziska Drummond Grieving Female Parent
Sofia Dugal Male Neighborhood Kid
Kirsten Eileen Dwyer Charlotte
Amy Sue Fall Woman in Lab Coat
Jamie Fortier Musician #2
Nicolas Fortier Choir Member #5
Audrey Fratelli Camera Woman
Chuck Furness Jr. Pedicab Driver
Jay Gaudi Coffee Patron #1
Gerrianne Genga Amber’s Mother
Annelise Grunewald Female Warehouse Teenager #1
Johnny Halloran Private Investigator Assistant
Devin Henry Young Broadcaster
John Herring Orator Viewer #1
Dexter Herron Man in Wheelchair
Bob Higgins Cloaked Orator
Daniel Hirsh Meredith’s Assistant
Dylan Holland Choir Member #1
Carson Jean Holley Polly
Fran Howard Amber
Christine Henry James General Store Patron #4
Gary Janczynski Orator Viewer #2
Lawrence E. Jillson Jr. General Store Patron #8
Derek Johannis Cloaked Infinite #4
Laurie Johannis Cloaked Infinite #5
Javier Johnson Cafe Patron #1
Samuel Judd Cloaked Infinite #2
Paul Kandarian Bob
Raymond Kielbasinski Corpse Fetcher #1
Jeremy Lavena Infinite Bike Rider #3
Yichun Simona Leppala Board Member #1
Isabella Lowell Choir Member #2
Gavin Maccarone Choir Member #9
George Andrew Martinez Corpse Fetcher #2
Mike McAllister Sr. Musician #1
Jessica Murphy Female Nurse
Emmett Neal Cafe Patron #2
Alexandria Nelson General Store Patron #7
Geof Newton Grieving Male Parent
Andrea O’Connell General Store Patron #5
Grace Olah Choir Member #4
Josh Ponder Doctor
John Potvin Daniel
Tim Price Private Investigator
John Raso Cloaked Infinite #3
Erich Rausch Shop Owner
Stephan Reale Mortician
Ryan Santilli Infinite Bike Rider #1
Thomas Shaughnessy Teenager In Reticent State
Todd Sherrod Dr. Calvin
Linda Simon Passerby Lady
Mark Sterling Board Member #4
C.J. Stussi Jade’s Mother
Bob Sullivan Dead Guy
Christian Sullivan Weeping Son
Matthew Sullivan Brady
Zachariah Supka Man In Wheelchair’s Assistant
Kyle Tanner Male Warehouse Teenager
Evan Timothy Choir Member #3
Kim Timothy Choir Onlooker #5
Matthew Luke Tucci Broadcaster
Don Twohig General Store Patron #2
Emily Twohig General Store Patron #1
Nancy Twohig General Store Patron #3
Hannah Rose Walker Choir Member #10
Lillian Walker Choir Onlooker #3
Miriam Walker Choir Onlooker #4
Joe Walz Beggar
Cheyenne Washington Older Olivia
Mook Williams Choir Onlooker #1

Trivia and Facts

  • The story exposes the future of a world where death no longer exists, an idea made possible by the anti-aging drug INOC.
  • Despite its complex scenario, the story is shared through a seemingly harmless children’s toy.
  • The message behind the plot unfolds subtly, presenting elusive truths to the spectator.
  • At its core, the movie explores the cost of immortality, suggesting that mankind might lose its humanity if death is cured.
  • Aside from its main cast, the movie also features a large and diverse supporting cast.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Rhode Island, USA
    • Latitude: 41.5800945
    • Longitude: -71.4774291
    • Place ID: ChIJD9cOYhQ15IkR5wbB57wYTh4
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Rhode Island, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York