Almost Perfect (2011) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Almost Perfect (2011) Filming Locations and Cast Details

This is a brief overview of the movie ‘Almost Perfect’ from 2011. The film stars the notable actors Kelly Hu, Christina Chang, and Roger Rees, among others. This simplfied review will provide insight into where the movie was shot and who played what roles. Additionally, you’ll learn some interesting facts about the movie and what went on behind the scenes.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of ‘Almost Perfect’ took place in New York City, New York, USA. Production dates are listed as October of 2009 and January of 2010.MV5BMTY0OTE3OTE1Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNDI0MDI3NzE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Kelly Hu Vanessa Lee
Christina Chang Charlene Lee
Roger Rees Kai Lee
Natalie Gold Karen
Allison Mackie Lori
Ivan Shaw Dwayne Sung
Tina Chen Sandra Lee
Kristy Wu Natalia
Lisa Werlinder Susan
Alice Callahan Sales Lady
Edison Chen Andy Lee
Steven Hauck Professor Williams
Chris Meyer Frank
Emanuele Ancorini Roberto
Aleksandra Orbeck-Nilssen Model
Zach Page Bobby
Norma Chu Grandma Tan
Jim Chu Tom
Julia Joseph Model
Diane Cheng Auntie Rosa
Catherine Gray Model
Ruth Zhang Auntie Helen
D. Skis Bobby’s Mom
Shinae Youn Model
McCallan Stringer Model
Wu K. Heung Mrs. Gu
Tsubasa Watanabe Model
Leslie Chiecko Marie
Lauryn Tinker Model
Johnathan Hallgrey Dinner Patron (uncredited)
JenniVere Fashion Show Extra (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie ‘Almost Perfect’ is a comedy/drama genre film.
  • It has a runtime of 1 hour and 46 minutes.
  • The director of the film is Bertha Bay-Sa Pan.
  • The film features a 30-something career woman juggling the demands of her family and her perfect new boyfriend.
  • The film has bagged an award.
  • Some parts of the movie cast include Vanessa Lee played by Kelly Hu, Charlene Lee by Christina Chang, and Kai Lee by Roger Rees, among others.
  • The movie was produced by Bertha Bay-Sa Pan, among others, and released in 2011.
  • The filming locations were all based in New York City, New York, USA.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: New York City, New York, USA
    • Latitude: 40.7127753
    • Longitude: -74.0059728
    • Place ID: ChIJOwg_06VPwokRYv534QaPC8g
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: New York, NY, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York