End Trip (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

End Trip (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“End Trip” is a thrilling Horror movie that was released in 2019. The movie centers around a rideshare driver named Brandon who offers to listen to a passenger’s personal life, raising the question of how close is too close? The characters were brought to life by actors Dean J. West, Aaron Jay Rome, and Ashley Lenz. In this article, we will dive into where this movie was filmed, who were the people behind its creation, and some interesting facts about the movie.

Where it Filmed?

Every scene from “End Trip” took place in the picturesque locale of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Complete details regarding the filming dates remain unrevealed. All of the suspense and thrill were captured amidst the city’s beauty. MV5BZDcwZGM4MGEtZTdkMy00ZDM4LWEyNzYtZTBlNGM3N2Y1MGFjXkEyXkFqcGc@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Dean J. West Passenger
Aaron Jay Rome Brandon
Ashley Lenz Stef
Jaren Mitchell Simon
Michelle West Megan
Joseph McRae Business Man
Kristina Arntz Amanda
Evan Eyer URYDE Driver
Eric LeBlanc Judd
Jeff Oettle Dad in Car
Jennifer Oettle Mom in Car
Judah Oettle Boy in Car
Manon Pages Claudet
Ramesh Koti Reddy Gas Station Clerk
Nick Shoemaker Neighbor


Trivia and Facts

The eerie masterpiece “End Trip” was directed by Aaron Jay Rome, while the compelling script was penned by both Eric LeBlanc and Aaron Jay Rome. The film saw successes with 1 win and 3 nominations in award events. Among the cast members, Dean J. West played the role of a passenger, Aaron Jay Rome played the character Brandon, and Ashley Lenz depicted the character Stef. The film was produced by a large ensemble including David Grashin, Zach Zorba Grashin, Matthew R. Horton, and Ashley Lenz to name a few. The team of producers worked diligently behind the scenes to bring this sensational movie to life. Majority of the production work was carried out by Right and Left Studios, Mama’s Boy Productions, and Evil Penguin Films. Movie distribution was managed by GoDigital and Terror Films worldwide. MV5BNGU4MmI2NTYtMGU4ZS00NTkwLThlMWUtNDNmNmZjMGU5MzQ5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjcwNTk3MA@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
    • Latitude: 29.95106579999999
    • Longitude: -90.0715323
    • Place ID: ChIJZYIRslSkIIYRtNMiXuhbBts
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: New Orleans, LA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago