Horror House (2012) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Horror House (2012) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Horror House is a 2012 horror movie that lasts for 1 hour and 28 minutes. The film revolves around five different events in a house that holds secrets, death and lies, with the filmmakers challenging you with the question, ‘Would you live here?’. Lloyd Kaufman, Alyssa Hunter and Katelyn Hunter had central roles in the movie. This articles sheds light on the various filming locations of the movie and presents some interesting behind the scenes facts.

Where it Filmed?

Filming of the movie Horror House took place in Los Angeles, California, USA. Unfortunately, the exact filming dates are not available.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Lloyd Kaufman Joe The Real Estate Agent
Alyssa Hunter Leah (segment “Never Let Go”)
Katelyn Hunter Abigail (segment “Never Let Go”)
John Wuchte Dr. Travers (segment “Never Let Go”)
Eric Lauritzen Adam (segment “Never Let Go”)
Kerry Finlayson Anna (segment “Be Careful What You Wish For”)
Gian Keys Tom (segment “Be Careful What You Wish For”)
Lisa Goodman The Gypsy (segment “Be Careful What You Wish For”)
David Alan Graf The Detective (segment “Be Careful What You Wish For”)
Jordana Johns The Mistress (segment “Be Careful What You Wish For”)
Lauren Lakis Helen – Age 16 (segment “Lifelike”)
Elain Rinehart Mother (segment “Lifelike”)
Djilali Rez-Kallah Steve (segment “Lifelike”)
Kylie Rogers Helen – Age 8 (segment “Lifelike”)
Savanna Gann Helen – Age 12 (segment “Lifelike”)
Chris Karmiol Man 1 (segment “Lifelike”)
Kristan Cleto Man 2 (segment “Lifelike”)
John Wilhovsky Man 3 (segment “Lifelike”)
Olga O’Farrell Lady (segment “Lifelike”)
Georgia Rose Matlack Little Girl (segment “Lifelike”)
Celine Talia Little Girl 2 (segment “Lifelike”)
Coralie Marlowe Grandmother (segment “Lifelike”)
Marvin Marlowe Grandfather (segment “Lifelike”)
Kaden Graves Andy (segment “Hot Stuff”)
Alex Sanborn Lee / Leapling (segment “Hot Stuff” & “The Leapling” )
Helen Soraya Jessica (segment “Hot Stuff”)
Lorna Soonhee Abbi (segment “Hot Stuff”)
Michelle Cardno Claire (segment “Hot Stuff”)
Kalia Fullerton Jenna (segment “Hot Stuff”)
Rita Lulla Attractive Girl 2 (segment “Hot Stuff”)
Evan Marlowe Delivery Guy
Brent Horst Bartender (segment “Hot Stuff”)
Holly Ann Bar Patron (segment “Hot Stuff”)
Tyler Hayse Bar Patron (segment “Hot Stuff”)
Mayank Bhatter Bar Patron (segment “Hot Stuff”)
Angelika Tietjen Bar Patron (segment “Hot Stuff”)
Gloria Smith Bar Parton (segment “Hot Stuff”)
Zachary Haven Ben (segment “The Leapling”)
Abbey Anderson Ella (segment “The Leapling”)
Kathleen Kelly Rachel – Mother 2 (segment “The Leapling”)
Jacob Nathaniel Sammy (segment “The Leapling”)
Andrew Dufresne Dad (segment “The Leapling”)
Jacob Magas Boy in Cave (segment “The Leapling”)
Dane Biren Painter (segment “The Leapling”)


Trivia and Facts

  • This movie marked the debut of Savanna Gann.
  • The plot keeps the audience guessing with its unique way of breaking the fourth wall narrative technique.
  • The film is largely characterized as a portmanteau film, as it intertwines various storylines and characters.
  • The movie is classified for TV-MA audience, hinting at its mature and intense horror scenes.
  • Under the direction of Evan Marlowe, the movie employed a cast that played various roles across its numerous story segments.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0549076
    • Longitude: -118.242643
    • Place ID: ChIJE9on3F3HwoAR9AhGJW_fL-I
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Los Angeles, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles