Dr. Heckyl and Mr. Hype (1980) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Dr. Heckyl and Mr. Hype (1980) Filming Locations and Cast Details

This article sheds light on 1980’s film Dr. Heckyl and Mr. Hype, providing behind-the-scenes insights into its filming locations, key players, and intriguing trivia. Oliver Reed plays the dual role of Dr. Henry Heckyl and Mr. Hype in this comedic drama directed by Charles B. Griffith. Let’s delve into more details and uncover some fascinating facts about this movie.

Where it Filmed?

Dr. Heckyl and Mr. Hype’s filming took place in Los Angeles, California, USA. The filming commenced on March 3, 1980. All the drama and humorous instances were shot at this location, shaping the essence of the movie.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Oliver Reed Dr. Henry Heckyl / Mr. Hype
Sunny Johnson Coral Careen
Maia Danziger Miss Finebum
Virgil Frye Lt. Mack Druck – ‘Il Topo’
Mel Welles Dr. Vince Hinkle
Jackie Coogan Sgt. Fleacollar
Corinne Calvet Pizelle Puree
Sharon Compton Mrs. Quivel
Denise Hayes Liza Rowne
Charles Howerton Clutch Cooger
Dick Miller Irsil / Orson
Jack Warford Herringbone Flynn
Lucretia Love Debra Kate
Ben Frommer Sgt. Gurnisht Hilfn
Mickey Fox Mrs. Fritz L. Pitzle
Catalaine Knell Mrs. Fritz L. Pitzle
Jacque Lynn Colton Mrs. Fran van Crisco
Lisa Zebro Mrs. Fran van Crisco
Stan Ross Flash Flud – Prison Guard
Duane Thomas Bad Williams’ Ideal
Michael Ciccone Hollowpoint – Twin Officer
Steve Ciccone DumDum – Twin Officer
Candi Brough Terri – Tailspin Twin
Randi Brough Toni – Tailspin Twin
Dan Sturkie Naso Rubico
the Wino
Yehuda Efroni Bull Quivel
Herta Ware Old lady on Bus
Dana Feller Nurse Pertbottom
Carin Berger Nurse Lushtush
Cindy Riegel Nurse Rosenrump
Merle Ann Taylor Nurse Talltale
Jessica Griffith Policeman’s Daughter
Christina Ann Saul Blinkin’
Tim Gallin Flower Delivery
Patsy Whitecotton Mrs. Well Marbled


Trivia and Facts

  • Oliver Reed, the lead actor in the film, had also starred in The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll (1960). This film was another adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson’s 1886 novella “Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0549076
    • Longitude: -118.242643
    • Place ID: ChIJE9on3F3HwoAR9AhGJW_fL-I
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Los Angeles, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles