Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason is a comedy-drama movie released in 2004 and the follow-up to Bridget Jones’s Diary. Directed by Beeban Kidron and featuring actors like Renée Zellweger, Gemma Jones, and Jim Broadbent, the film explores Bridget’s life after she believed she’d found her ‘happily ever after.’ This article focuses on sharing where the movie was filmed, detailing the filming process and offering some fun facts and trivia.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was filmed in several locations around the globe. To name a few, scenes were shot in Lech, Vorarlberg in Austria, and Phuket and Bangkok in Thailand. Some parts of the movie were also filmed in England, specifically at St James’ Church in Shere, Guildford, Surrey, and Bedale Street in Greater London. Regarding the filming dates, the shots were taken between the 6th of October, 2003 and the 15th of February, 2004.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Renée Zellweger Bridget Jones
Gemma Jones Mum
Jim Broadbent Dad
James Faulkner Uncle Geoffrey
Celia Imrie Una Alconbury
Dominic McHale Bernard
Colin Firth Mark Darcy
Donald Douglas Admiral Darcy
Shirley Dixon Mrs. Darcy
Neil Pearson Richard Finch
Rosalind Halstead Receptionist
Luis Soto Mexican Ambassador
Tom Brooke Production Assistant
Hugh Grant Daniel Cleaver
Alba Fleming Furlan Girl in Rome
Jacinda Barrett Rebecca
Sally Phillips Shazza
James Callis Tom
Shirley Henderson Jude
Lucy Robinson Janey
David Verrey Giles Benwick
Mark Tandy Derek
Stephanie O’Rourke Sexy P.A.
Jeremy Paxman Jeremy Paxman
Flaminia Cinque Corset Lady
Trevor Fox Hairdresser
Alex Jennings Horatio
Catherine Russell Camilla
Ian McNeice Quizmaster
Philip Gardner Toastmaster
Wolf Kahler Commentator
Lilo Baur Chemist
Sabina Michael Chemist Customer
Paul Humpoletz Chemist Customer
Paul Nicholls Jed
David Auker Clive
Patrick Baladi Steward
Rong Kaomulkadee Thai Chef
Hon Ping Tang Thai Jail Guard
Suthas Bhoopongsa Dudwani
Jason Watkins Charlie Parker-Knowles
Vee Vimolmal Phrao
Melissa Ashworth Thai Jail Girl
Pui Fan Lee Thai Jail Girl
Oliver Chris Director in Gallery
Sam Hazeldine Journalist
Amanda Haberland Journalist
Neil Dudgeon Taxi Driver
Peter Gordon Porter
Sam Beazley Very Old Man
Arturo Venegas Mr. Hernandez
Richard Braine Vicar
Adrian Allan Passerby / Subway Commuter (uncredited)
Kamontip Krissy Ashton Thai Massage Therapist (uncredited)
Morne Botes Office Manager (uncredited)
Robert Dearle Stall Holder (uncredited)
Ray Donn Customer (uncredited)
Antonia Frering Sophia (uncredited)
Campbell Graham Hamish (uncredited)
Spencer Kayden Clarice – Thai Woman (uncredited)
Nathaniel Antonio Lloyd Friend (uncredited)
Selena Mars Bar Patron (uncredited)
Jade Ramsey Twin #2 (uncredited)
Nikita Ramsey Twin #1 (uncredited)
Tina Simmons Lawyer (uncredited)
Nikki Tovell Member of Mark Darcy’s Legal Team (uncredited)
Philip Widdicombe Vicar at Bridget Jones Son’s Wedding (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

  • Director of the movie was Beeban Kidron.
  • Helen Fielding and Andrew Davies, among others, took up the screenwriting responsibilities.
  • The movie boasts a star-studded cast including Renée Zellweger as Bridget Jones, Colin Firth as Mark Darcy, and Hugh Grant as Daniel Cleaver to name a few.
  • Renée Zellweger and Gemma Jones reprised their roles from the previous movie, Bridget Jones’s Diary.
  • The movie was nominated for 11 awards.
  • James Faulkner played the role of Uncle Geoffrey, and Celia Imrie took on the character of Una Alconbury.
  • The runtime of the movie is 1 hour and 48 minutes.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Lech, Vorarlberg, Austria
    • Latitude: 47.2111926
    • Longitude: 10.1439399
    • Place ID: ChIJ01SQDZKmnEcR1uL2pqy_S3c
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Lech, Austria
    • Timezone: Europe/Vienna
  • Location Name: Phuket, Thailand
    • Latitude: 7.9843109
    • Longitude: 98.3307468
    • Place ID: ChIJT1JixOIxUDARIbo9BoWayuk
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Phuket, Thailand
    • Timezone: Asia/Bangkok
  • Location Name: St James’ Church, The Square, Shere, Guildford, Surrey, England, UK
    • Latitude: 51.2189064
    • Longitude: -0.4633305
    • Place ID: ChIJM92irYHcdUgRumo6TtAoM2g
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Church Ln, Shere, Guildford GU5 9HQ, UK
    • Timezone: Europe/London
  • Location Name: Bedale Street, London, Greater London, England, UK
    • Latitude: 51.5053898
    • Longitude: -0.089919
    • Place ID: ChIJk4wdbFcDdkgRMozs_Toxfcs
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Bedale St, London SE1, UK
    • Timezone: Europe/London

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