Cyborg Cop III (1995) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Cyborg Cop III (1995) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Cyborg Cop III” is a 1995 action and science fiction movie directed by Yossi Wein. The movie features a cop named Saint trying to thwart a scientist’s plans to create cyborg-mercenaries from students. Key actors include Frank Zagarino, Bryan Genesse, and Jenny McShane. This guide provides information about the movie’s filming locations and other fascinating facts.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was filmed in Johannesburg, South Africa. Filming took place from November 6, 1994, till December 19, 1994.MV5BMTc5OTE5Mjk1N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTQ0NzMzMQ@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Frank Zagarino Saint
Bryan Genesse Max
Ian Roberts Sheen
Justin Illusion Adam
Michael Brunner Dr. Phelps
Hal Orlandini Cooper
Ian Yule Harvey
Jurgen Hellberg Derrick
Tony Caprari Seth
Martin Le Maitre Lennie
Tyrone Stevenson Oscar
Douglas Bristow TV Anchorman
Hendrick Crawford Senior Lab Technician
Brian Lucas Delta Tech Gate Guard
Steven Rymer Truck Driver
Kevin Fitzpatrick Gas Attendant
J.D. Du Plessis TV Cameraman
Graham Press Cooper’s Security #2
Wade Eastwood Cyborg #2
Lynne White Student’s Mother
Jaques Marais Student’s Father
Deon Stewardson Pool Hall Barman

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie belongs to the action and Sci-Fi genres and runs for a total of 1 hour and 34 minutes.
  • It was released on December 2, 1995, in Japan.
  • The movie’s plot involves a cop attempting to stop a scientist’s experiments that are aimed at transforming students into cyborg mercenaries. It contains violence and strong language, earning it an ‘R’ rating.
  • The movie was also known as “Dos chalados en acción” in Spain, “Almas de acero” in Spain, “Cyborg Cop 3” in Argentina, “サイボーグコップ3” in Japan, and “Ченгето киборг 3” in Bulgaria.
  • One amusing goof noted is that in the final action scene, Jennifer McShane is obviously stunt doubled by a man wearing a blonde wig.
  • The movie was later edited into another movie called “Merchant of Death” in 1997.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Johannesburg, South Africa
    • Latitude: -26.205647
    • Longitude: 28.0337185
    • Place ID: ChIJUWpA8GgMlR4RQUDTsdnJiiM
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Johannesburg, South Africa
    • Timezone: Africa/Johannesburg