Minimal Knowledge (2002) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Minimal Knowledge (2002) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Minimal Knowledge” was released in 2002. This is a thriller-drama that features actors like Cristián de la Fuente, Izabella Miko, and Henry Marshall playing vital roles. This article shares details about the filming locations, as well as some interesting trivia and facts about the movie.

Where it Filmed?

The movie “Minimal Knowledge” was filmed in the United States, specifically in Jersey City, New Jersey. Unfortunately, the specific filming dates are not available for this film.MV5BMTY1MjA5MDUwNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNjY1Mzg3. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Cristián de la Fuente Matt Gallagher
Izabella Miko Renee
Henry Marshall Jim Mullin
Christian Graham Frankie
Lexa Dell Prette Dottie
Doug Bass Police Photographer #1 / Andy
Dan Browning Captain Kresge
Anne Carney Linda Mullin
Eduardo Castro Brian
Angela Christmas Waitress #1
Christopher Danzie Body Bag Guy #1
Robert Darby 1920s Father
Jim DiFeo Bar Patron
Timothy Donovan 1920’s Boyfriend
James Dowd Lost Boy in Park
Stephanie Duris Diner Patron / 1920’s Flapper
Daryl Ferrara Police Officer #1
Sage Goldberg Diner Patron / 1920’s Flapper
Andrew Graham Forgetful Bartender
Christopher Grecio Police Officer #3
Sharon Greenbaum 1920’s Flapper
Matthew Guzio School Child #1
Taryn Guzio School Child #2
Henry Hertell 1920’s Partygoer
Andrew Hincapie Bar Patron
Beatrice Hincapie Diner Patron
Elizabeth Hincapie Bar Patron
Francis Ishii Bar Patron
Steven F. Kadi Police Officer #6
Bayla Kalstrom Matt’s Mom
Haley Kawecki 1920’s Flapper
H. Clark Kee Dr. Schoner
Regina Knight 1920’s Flapper
Hunter Koperwise Mullin’s Son
Tessa Koperwise Mullin’s Daughter
Peter Longo Bartender #2
Gina Monaco Nurse
Gino Anthony Pesi Police Officer #2
Iraida Polanco Rosa
Don Preziosi Body Bag Guy #2
Orlando Quevas Store Owner
Katie Riley School Child Extra
Kristen Riley Susan
Walter Riley Mr. Haynes
Allen Rosenberg 1920’s Piano Player
Laura Rosenberg 1920’s Flapper
Erik Roy Rookie Police Officer
Fred R. Rueck Sarge
Lucia Ruffolo-Kadi Female Judge
Steve Shaw Dotty’s Officer Boyfriend
Stephan Smith Robber
Stephen Strauss Waiter
Christopher Vasquez Young Matt
Mickey Venezia Jr. 1920s Model T Driver
J.C. Wiley Police Officer #8
Robert Wise Police Photographer #2

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Trivia and Facts

  • The movie is directed and written by Gregory J. Corrado.
  • The main storyline revolves around a burned-out detective, Matt, played by Christian de la Fuente, who teams up with a woman who claims to be reincarnated, Renee, played by Izabella Miko. They work together to hunt down a serial killer who might have been involved in Renee’s previous life.
  • The film showcases Matt’s struggle with personal and professional issues as he spends every day with dead victims, leading him to question his beliefs in God, family, and love.
  • The movie managed to win seven awards and has received 15 user reviews.
  • The movie had an estimated budget of $250,000.
  • Lastly, the film is also known as “Murder Reincarnated” in the United States and it runs for 94 minutes.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Jersey City, New Jersey, USA
    • Latitude: 40.7177545
    • Longitude: -74.0431435
    • Place ID: ChIJ3a-_JdJQwokR2SXNohPwSQI
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Jersey City, NJ, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York

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