Against All Hope (1982) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Against All Hope (1982) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Against All Hope is a movie released in 1982. It features the story of a man battling alcoholism who seeks assistance from a reverend. The main actors are Michael Madsen, Maureen McCarthy, and Cecil Moe. Here you can find information on the locations where it was shot and uncover some unexpected facts about the movie and behind-the-scenes details.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of this movie took place in Chicago, Illinois, in the United States. Unfortunately, the exact dates when the shooting happened are not available. The city’s backdrop was essential in creating the film’s overall biography and dramatic mood.MV5BMjQwMDg0NjU5OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzY2NjU5OTE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Michael Madsen Cecil Moe
Maureen McCarthy Jean Moe
Cecil Moe Rev. Tom Baird
Rex Flores Young Cecil
Yvonne Higgins Myrna
Merwyn Crowe Cliff Moe
Violet Eckwald Julia Moe
Elaine Bakakos Betty Moe
Timothy Joosten Ron Moe
Kevin Mulroy Stan Moe
John Spievack Gus
Herb Harms Harry
Janet Walquist Sharon
Merry McShane Phyllis
Ed Berger Psychiatrist
Ron Schultz Mr. Hodges
Jack Coombe George
Hollis Brosselt Myrtle
Arnold L. Stewart Mission Preacher
Terry Christopher Funeral Pastor
David Gotaas Bible Church Pastor
J.J. Bloomquist Young Cecil’s Friend
Roy Messerschmit Dutch
Robert Hart Psychologist
George Lowther Brain Specialist
Bob McDonald Cecil’s Doctor
Theodore Grunstein Julia’s Doctor
Bruce Holt Sports Announcer
Lillian Schuldt Restaurant Customer
Fred Wirth Arthur
Ann M. Fairman Rev. Baird’s Wife
George Peterson Justice of the Peace
David Kerrigan Baby Ronnie
Dorette Kaiser Rosie
Jim Adams Cecil’s Friends at the Bar
Bob Fanslow Cecil’s Friends at the Bar
Dolores Hansen Cecil’s Friends at the Bar
Howard Rogers Cecil’s Friends at the Bar
Dan Shulman Cecil’s Friends at the Bar
Bridget Kelly Cecil’s Aunts
Gertrude Siebenmann Cecil’s Aunts
Gary Jaynes Policemen
John D. Jones Policemen
Dominick Bliznick Movers
John Prayck Sr. Movers
Tony Despigno Neighborhood Kids
Henry Kalinowski Neighborhood Kids
Toni Kalinowski Neighborhood Kids
B.J. Prince Neighborhood Kids
Jane Cassidy Also Appearing
Roger N. Desjardins Also Appearing
Virginia Erickson Also Appearing
Allison Erickson Also Appearing
Joan Flores Also Appearing
Stan Knych Also Appearing
Greg Kroll Also Appearing
Mike Kroll Also Appearing
C.B. McDougal Also Appearing
Sylvester Papielewski Also Appearing
Paul Siebenmann Also Appearing
Susan Sipich Also Appearing
Stanley Wilk Also Appearing

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Trivia and Facts

  • This film marked the acting debut of Michael Madsen.
  • An interesting mishap occurred in the film: when Cecil rings Tom, he doesn’t introduce himself, but when Cecil arrives at Tom’s house, Tom refers to him by his name. Technically, Tom should not have known Cecil’s name at that point.
  • The movie concludes with a quote from the Bible, Corinthians 5:17 – “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.”


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Chicago, Illinois, USA
    • Latitude: 41.8781136
    • Longitude: -87.6297982
    • Place ID: ChIJ7cv00DwsDogRAMDACa2m4K8
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Chicago, IL, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago