Fresh Kill (1988) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Fresh Kill (1988) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Fresh Kill is a horror movie from 1988 that lasts for about 86 minutes. The movie showcases the acting talents of Pamela Dixon, Jody Jaress, and Flint Keller, who portray the roles of characters who unintentionally kill offenders causing a change in their moral values and existence. This document provides a look at where the movie was filmed and offers some behind the scene facts about the film.

Where it Filmed?

The movie Fresh Kill was mainly filmed in two locations, which are Chicago, located in Illinois, and Los Angeles in California, USA. The shooting of the movie commenced on the 2nd of June in 1987.MV5BMjI4MjIwNjE1OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDUyMTE4NjE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Pamela Dixon Lisa
Jody Jaress Jane
Flint Keller Allen
Ron Preston Carter
David Schroeder Mel
Del Zamora Bruno


Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was directed and written by Joseph Merhi.
  • Some of the other cast members include Tricia Parks, Ron Preston, David Schroeder, Robert Z’Dar and Del Zamora.
  • The film was produced by Ronald L. Gilchrist, Richard W. Munchkin, and Richard Pepin.
  • The musical background of the movie was composed by John Gonzalez.
  • Stunts played a significant role in the film, handled by professionals like Thomas Dewier, Len Glascow, Red Horton, and others.
  • The movie’s special effects make-up was done by Judy Yonemoto.
  • Fresh Kill was distributed worldwide by different companies such as City Lights Home Video, CBS/Fox Home Video, California Pictures, New Gold Entertainment, and others.
  • Some of the keywords associated with the movie include stabbing, a butcher-shop, blood, cigarette-smoking, and an aspiring actor.
  • In Australia, the film was rated R while in the United States it was not rated. In West Germany, the movie was rated 18 and restricted by BPjM.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Chicago, Illinois, USA
    • Latitude: 41.8781136
    • Longitude: -87.6297982
    • Place ID: ChIJ7cv00DwsDogRAMDACa2m4K8
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Chicago, IL, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0549076
    • Longitude: -118.242643
    • Place ID: ChIJE9on3F3HwoAR9AhGJW_fL-I
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Los Angeles, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles