Mutant Chronicles (2008) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Mutant Chronicles (2008) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Mutant Chronicles” was released in 2008. This action-adventure film is centered around its main character, Mitch Hunter, battling an army of underworld mutants. The goal of this discussion is to provide insights on the locations used for filming the movie, who played what role, and share interesting backstage facts.

Where it Filmed?

“Mutant Chronicles” was filmed in multiple locations. Bray Studios, located in Oakley Green, Berkshire, England was used as one of the main shooting spots. Filming also took place on the Isle of Man, and at Shepperton Studios based in Shepperton, Surrey, England. The movie’s shoot took place from May 30, 2006 to July 31, 2006.MV5BMTkzNTA1MjgwOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDE4MjUzNA@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Thomas Jane Maj. ‘Mitch’ Hunter
Ron Perlman Brother Samuel
Devon Aoki Cpl. Valerie Duval
Sean Pertwee Capt. Nathan Rooker
Benno Fürmann Lt. Maximillian von Steiner
John Malkovich Constantine
Anna Walton Severian
Tom Wu Cpl. Juba Kim Wu
Steve Toussaint Capt. John McGuire
Luis Echegaray Cpl. Jesus ‘El Jesus’ de Barrera
Pras Michel Captain Michaels
Shauna Macdonald Adelaide
Roger Ashton-Griffiths Science Monk
Christopher Adamson Hodge
Nicholas Ball Plutocrat
Georgina Berriman Grace
Georgina Bryce Dorothy
Richard Buddle Soldier
Tim Daniel Clark Lead Mutant
Vyelle Croom Bartender
Dez Drummond Padre
Christopher Dunne Medic
Jack Finney Peter
Nicholas Gecks Bauhaus Ambassador
David Hewitt Principal Mutant
Simon Hunter Transport Pilot
Mark Holloway Principal Mutant / Skinny
Barry McCormick Capitol Ambassador
Scott Joseph Corporate Guard
Farhan Khan Principal Mutant
Andrew Mackay Science Monk’s Assistant
Alfred Mather Messenger Boy
Neji Nejah Imperial Ambassador
Andrew Nixon Principal Mutant
Thomas Power Principal Mutant
Sanjay Prabhakar Principal Mutant
Don Rae Grey Faced Sentry
Curtis Walker Big Boy
David Allcock Capitol Soldier (uncredited)
Ken Andrew Capital Soldier (uncredited)
Allan Arthur Fielding (uncredited)
Christopher Fosh Capital Soldier / Gunner (uncredited)
Justin Rodgers Hall NecroMutant (uncredited)
David Hewitt Principle Mutant (uncredited)
Tatiana Lavrentieva Refugee (uncredited)
Sonu Louis Bauhaus Gun Commander (uncredited)
Panayiota Panteli Refugee (uncredited)
Lee Anthony Parnell Prisoner (uncredited)
Alex Revan Imperial Tracker (uncredited)
Albert Tang Japanese General (uncredited)
Chris Wilson Soldier (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

  • The movie “Mutant Chronicles” was released on August 7, 2008, in Russia.
  • The film is of the action and adventure genre.
  • The entire movie runs for one hour and fifty-one minutes.
  • In the story of the film, the 28th-century soldier Mitch Hunter leads a fight against an army of underworld mutants.
  • The movie was directed by Simon Hunter and written by Philip Eisner.
  • The main stars of the film are Thomas Jane who plays ‘Mitch’ Hunter, Ron Perlman in the role of Brother Samuel, and Devon Aoki as Cpl. Valerie Duval.
  • More actors included in the film’s cast are Benno Fürmann who played Lt. Maximillian von Steine, John Malkovich as Constantine, and Anna Walton portraying Severian, among others.
  • As of the film’s release, it had received 185 user reviews and 74 critic reviews.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Bray Studios, Down Place, Oakley Green, Berkshire, England, UK
    • Latitude: 51.4905088
    • Longitude: -0.6751126
    • Place ID: ChIJ5SYdt5d8dkgRVqwECz9zOfg
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Down Pl, Windsor SL4, UK
    • Timezone: Europe/London
  • Location Name: Isle of Man
    • Latitude: 54.236107
    • Longitude: -4.548056
    • Place ID: ChIJ1YEuRDCFY0gRDeDw8bxbAuo
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Isle of Man
    • Timezone: Europe/Isle_of_Man
  • Location Name: Shepperton Studios, Shepperton, Surrey, England, UK
    • Latitude: 51.4075493
    • Longitude: -0.4636433
    • Place ID: ChIJ0SSywSF0dkgRbwAJuf4ySWA
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Studios Rd, Shepperton TW17 0QD, UK
    • Timezone: Europe/London

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