Savage is a 1996 movie that tells the story of a man who transforms into a fierce warrior after a tragedy befalls his family. The movie has a mix of action, and science fiction, with prominent actors like Olivier Gruner, Jennifer Grant, and Kario Salem delivering commendable performances. This article provides detailed information on the filming locations of this movie and more interesting trivia about its production.
Where it Filmed?
Savage was filmed in multiple locations across the United States. Key locations included various parts of Arizona like Cameron, Tuba City, and Winslow. The movie was also filmed in part at Figueroa Street, in Downtown Los Angeles, California. The dates capturing these scenes spanned from May 9, 1995, to June 12, 1995.
Cast Details
Cast Name | Role |
Olivier Gruner | Savage / Rancher |
Jennifer Grant | Nicky Carter |
Kario Salem | Reese Burroughs |
Kristin Minter | Marie Beloc |
Sam McMurray | Edgar Wallace |
Herschel Sparber | Allan Poe |
Tom Schanley | Halliday |
Michael Cudlitz | Spillane |
Luke Askew | Captain Rohmer |
Maria von Hartz | Veronica |
Victoria Morsell | Julie Verne |
Jordan Stuart | Kimmy Verne |
Paulo Tocha | Inquisitor |
Moon Jones | Armani Warlord |
John Henry Whitaker | Biker |
Vince Lozano | News Vendor |
Darren Carter | Shazam |
Dyrk Ashton | Muscleman |
Peter Navy Tuiasosopo | Samoan |
Big Yank | Fridge |
Bari K. Willerford | Assistant warden |
Michael O’Connell | Night nurse |
Peter Kaitlyn | Day nurse |
Kevin Wixted | Fred |
Forbes Riley | Newscaster |
Kelly Mullis | Commercial girl |
Michael Reid Davis | Sergeant Chartres |
G. Eric Miles | Officer |
Paul Eves | Loverboy |
Greet Ramaekers | Waitress |
Richard Henry | Prisoner (uncredited) |
Mark Hoadley | Police Offficer (uncredited) |
Trivia and Facts
Geo Location Details
- Location Name: Arizona, USA
- Latitude: 34.0489281
- Longitude: -111.0937311
- Place ID: ChIJaxhMy-sIK4cRcc3Bf7EnOUI
- Map Link: Google Map
- Place Address: Arizona, USA
- Timezone: America/Phoenix
- Location Name: Cameron, Arizona, USA
- Latitude: 35.8758285
- Longitude: -111.4129207
- Place ID: ChIJGXnBsHI3MocRSY6YpXQivgQ
- Map Link: Google Map
- Place Address: Cameron, AZ 86020, USA
- Timezone: America/Denver
- Location Name: Tuba City, Arizona, USA
- Latitude: 36.1349928
- Longitude: -111.2398625
- Place ID: ChIJ62_7hWMzMocRyuNfcfDW0Wk
- Map Link: Google Map
- Place Address: Tuba City, AZ 86045, USA
- Timezone: America/Denver
- Location Name: Winslow, Arizona, USA
- Latitude: 35.0241873
- Longitude: -110.6973571
- Place ID: ChIJt0OkYAtCLocR6CYX9a9RyME
- Map Link: Google Map
- Place Address: Winslow, AZ 86047, USA
- Timezone: America/Phoenix
- Location Name: Figueroa Street, Downtown, Los Angeles, California, USA
- Latitude: 34.0443246
- Longitude: -118.2646103
- Place ID: EiNTIEZpZ3Vlcm9hIFN0LCBMb3MgQW5nZWxlcywgQ0EsIFVTQSIuKiwKFAoSCSlJB06RNd2AEVkdFatB4sxtEhQKEgkB_T0lNMbCgBEgqaUZ31L-Jg
- Map Link: Google Map
- Place Address: S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Timezone: America/Los_Angeles