The Little Ark (1972) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The Little Ark (1972) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“The Little Ark” is a family adventure movie that was released in the United States in 1972. In the film, director James B. Clark tells the story of two children who are trapped in a church tower during a flood, with a group of local fishermen attempting to rescue them. As we delve further into this article, we will explore the filming locations of this movie along with interesting facts and trivia.

Where it Filmed?

The entire movie was shot in one location, that being the city of Amsterdam in the province of Noord-Holland, Netherlands. Filming took place over a span of about two months, starting from July 7, 1970 and concluding in September of the same year.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Theodore Bikel The Captain
Geneviève Ambas Adinda
Philip Frame Jan
Max Croiset Father Grijpma
Truus Dekker Mother Grijpma
Lo van Hensbergen Mr. Tandema
Edda Barends Nurse Winters
Lex Schoorel Sparks
Helen van Meurs Nurse
Guus Verstraete Pieters
Heleen Pimentel Mrs. Ool
Riek Schagen Vrouu Brodfelder
Martin Brozius Farmer
Maurits Koekoek Farmer’s Son
John Soer Man With Dog
Tim Beekman Launch Officer
Jos Knipscheer Doctor
Jeroen Krabbé First Man
Jos Bergman Young Man
Reinier Heideman First Photographer
Manfred de Graaf Second Photographer
Wik Jongsma Second Man
Monica Achterberg Little Girl

Trivia and Facts

  • “The Little Ark” is an adventure-filled family movie that was aired in March 1972 in the USA.
  • James B. Clark is the director of this movie, while the script was written by Joanna Crawford and Jan de Hartog.
  • The movie stars Theodore Bikel, Geneviève Ambas, and Philip Frame.
  • It was nominated for 1 Oscar award.
  • The production companies for this movie include Cinema Center Films, National General Pictures, and Twentieth Century Fox Film Company, amongst others.
  • The movie has a runtime of 100 minutes and is presented in color.
  • This movie was filmed entirely in English.
  • The movie has also been known as “La Petite Arche” in France, “La pequeña arca” in Spain, and “Os Órfãos” in Brazil.
  • The official soundtrack of this movie includes the song “Come Follow, Follow Me”.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
    • Latitude: 52.3675734
    • Longitude: 4.9041389
    • Place ID: ChIJVXealLU_xkcRja_At0z9AGY
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Amsterdam, Netherlands
    • Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam