Praying with Anger (1992) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Praying with Anger (1992) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Praying with Anger is a 1992 movie categorized as a comedy-drama, directed and written by M. Night Shyamalan. The film revolves around an American-born Indian teenager reconnecting with his roots upon returning to India. This article provides interesting information about the film and its making.

Where it Filmed?

The entire filming of Praying with Anger was conducted in India. Unfortunately, precise details about the filming dates are not available. More information about the movie, including the cast and crew, can be provided upon request.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
M. Night Shyamalan Dev Raman
Mike Muthu Sanjay Mohan
Arun Balachandran Raj
Christabal Howie Sabitha
Sushma Ahuja Mrs. Mohan
Apajit Singh
S.K. Veeragavan
S.N. Parvathi Lady
S.M. Sivakumar Proffesor
K. Karthik Senior #1
R. Vijay Kumar Senior #2
Vinodh Senior #3
N.R. Santhanam
S. Sundar
V.L. Narasimhan Man in Riot
Ravi Driver

Trivia and Facts

  • The film was classified as a PG-13 rating with a runtime of 1 hour and 47 minutes
  • M. Night Shyamalan was not only behind the camera as director and writer, but he also played the role of Dev Raman in the film. Other pivotal roles were played by Mike Muthu and K. Subramanian.
  • Featured in the movie were actors like Arun Balachandran who played Raj and Richa Ahuja Badami who played Rupal Mohan.
  • The movie was partly produced by Jayalakshmi Shyamalan and M. Night Shyamalan.
  • Praying with Anger was created under the banner of Crescent Moon and was distributed by Cinevista in the United States and Imagine Home Entertainment in the United Kingdom.
  • This was the first film by M. Night Shyamalan, and he funded, wrote, directed and produced it himself.
  • The movie had a budget of an estimated $750,000.