A Country Christmas (2013) Filming Locations and Cast Details

A Country Christmas (2013) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “A Country Christmas” was a family movie released in 2013. In this movie, two children from a small farming community help Santa Claus, who has lost his magical powers and is stranded in their barn, in order to save Christmas. The main roles were played by Joey Lauren Adams, William Shockley, and Abraham Benrubi.

Where it Filmed?

The entire movie was shot in Arizona, USA. However, the exact filming dates are not available.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Joey Lauren Adams Renae Logan
William Shockley Joe Logan
Abraham Benrubi Santa Claus
Kevin Pollak Max Schmucker
Benjamin Stockham Zach Logan
Caitlin Carmichael Miley Logan
Illeana Douglas Susan Satcher
Mikey Post Elliot
Trace Adkins Sheriff Arrington
Jay DeMarcus Chim Ritchels
Sheree J. Wilson Bonnie Branson
David Shatraw Anderson Hemmer
Tava Smiley Robin Walters
Catherine Kamei Ms. Pipkin
Loren Lester Matt Couric
Kix Brooks Duke the Horse (voice)
Tiiu Loigu Leroy the Goat (voice)
David Paul Allen Janitor Jim
Sachiyo K Midori Yamakazi
Alisa Rikert Alisa
Bryce Rikert Bryce
Michael Koff Kofi
Sylvie Cohen Reporter
Dawn Nixon Non-Believer
Jeanette Hatlestad Reporter
Laura Stroud National News Reporter
Kolman Skinnell Young Schmucker
Brandon Dorssom Town’s Person
William Luedtke School Principle
Chuck Holaday Reporter
Don Teply Town’s Person
Robert Quigley Town’s Person
Nicole Elizabeth Childers Penelope Parsons
Kaylena Berles Miranda
Miranna Berles Suzie
Walker Klopping Abraham Lincoln
Emerik Zovko Steven Douglas
Letashia Moore Reporter (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

  • The character Matt Couric, played by Loren Lester, was named after Today Show hosts Matt Lauer and Katie Couric.
  • The movie is also known as “The Great Santa Rescue” in the United Kingdom.
  • In France, the film is known as “Mission Père Noël”.
  • The actress Illeana Douglas played the role of Susan Satcher in the movie.
  • The character Santa Claus was portrayed by Abraham Benrubi.