Lizard Boy (2011) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Lizard Boy (2011) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Lizard Boy”, released in 2011, is an action-comedy film, directed by Paul Della Pelle and written by Bruce Brown. In simple terms, it’s about where and when the movie was filmed and who played the main roles. This will enrich you with some interesting facts about the movie, including some backstage happenings.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was shot in a city called San Luis Obispo, located in California, USA. The exact filming dates are not mentioned, but it was completed before its release date, which is August 16, 2011.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Pete Punito Gino
Damon Gregory Hoffmeyer
Steven Zeigler Carlo
Mark Strano Frankie
Rachel Riley Julie
Miranda Allgood Rachel
Bruce Brown Sheriff Johnson
Domiziano Arcangeli Mendoza
John Dicus Crotchett
Ryan Gray Jenkins
Marcia Loring Aunt Rosie
Serena Lorien Margaret Pennylily
Patrick Ayotte Wilkins
Cynthia Bennett Midwife
Justin Bonaccorso Deputy Bobby Thomas
Corey Brodeur Kung Fu Fighter
Damon Chessé Audio Guy
Paul Della Pelle Carlo
Penny Della Pelle
Harrison Harbors Harrison
Jimi Hayes Young Carlo
Kelly Hayes Lab Worker #1
Sean G. Felix Hill The 3rd Agent
Erin Horahan Paramedic
Stephen Hughes Fireman John
Mark Jones Guard #1
Ella Maisano Trick-Or-Treater #2
Roxy Maisano Neighborhood Mom
Jo Mani Tia
Darren Moran Guard # 2
Madelyn Ropner
Jim Shine Dobson
Gary Squibbs Fertility Doctor
Catherine Werst Birthing Mother
Dawn-Marie Winters Gia

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie provides a blend of sci-fi thrill, action, drama, and humor to the audience.
  • Starring Pete Punito, Damon Gregory, and Steven Zeigler, this film has an interesting plot revolving around genetics and a monstrous, human-like lizard boy.
  • The film’s story was uniquely staged with a brilliant geneticist creating his own son by combining reptilian and human DNA.
  • “Lizard Boy” includes an ensemble cast with characters like Sheriff Johnson, Mendoza, and Jenkins, played by Bruce Brown, Domiziano Arcangeli, and Ryan Gray respectively.
  • In addition to the main cast, a list of individuals credited alphabetically includes individuals such as Patrick Ayotte and Cynthia Bennett.
  • Despite its thrilling plot, the movie received varying reviews, with a total of one user review and eight critics’ reviews.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: San Luis Obispo, California, USA
    • Latitude: 35.2827524
    • Longitude: -120.6596156
    • Place ID: ChIJJ8Jse77m7IARRg_vzsKQArw
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: San Luis Obispo, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles