Eyes Are Upon You (2001) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Eyes Are Upon You (2001) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Eyes Are Upon You,” is a Thriller and Crime genre filmed in 2001. The film focuses on two friends who managed to rack up debts with the mob and encounter worrisome issues when they try to rob a stranger in town. It’s a captivating journey with Lou Consolo, Lisa Delien, and John Henchar playing key roles. Keep reading for intriguing behind-the-scenes facts and trivia about this movie.

Where it Filmed?

The movie got filmed in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, a noteworthy hub for movie shoots. The filming dates stretched from February 1996 till June 1996, a period during which the cast and crew labored to bring the story to life.MV5BY2M5NjAzM2QtZDQzMi00MWJkLTk3NmItOWM4NzI0M2E3MDIzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTM3MDMyMDQ@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Lisa Delien Dream Vampire
John Henchar Spritzy
Joseph Robert Jobe Street Bum
Harold K. Keller Cecil
Dena Leibowitz Mary
Sam Nicotero Morocco
Tom Savini Eddie Rao
Brinke Stevens Amanda
Zander Teller Tony’s Partner
Edward Lee Vincent Tony

Trivia and Facts

  • This movie is also known under the title “Demon Lust” in the United States.
  • The runtime of the movie is 92 minutes.
  • The film was created with an estimated budget of $150,000.
  • It’s the first onscreen full frontal nudity from Brinke Stevens, who had only appeared topless or nude from the back in films up until this point.
  • The movie can be seen featured in “Screaming in High Heels: The Rise & Fall of the Scream Queen Era” that came out in 2011.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
    • Latitude: 40.44062479999999
    • Longitude: -79.9958864
    • Place ID: ChIJA4UGSG_xNIgRNBuiWqEV-Y0
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York