Little Erin Merryweather (2003) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Little Erin Merryweather (2003) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Little Erin Merryweather” released in 2003 is a horror and thriller film. This movie centers around a New England college campus haunted by death and the investigation by Peter Bloom, played by David Morwick, into the gruesome events. Get ready to discover fascinating details about where it was shot and other intriguing behind-the-scenes facts and trivia!

Where it Filmed?

“Little Erin Merryweather” was filmed in two locations in Massachusetts, USA. The locations include Bridgewater and Middleboro. These areas served as the backdrop to the thrilling story unraveled in the film. Unfortunately, there is no detailed information about the filming dates available.MV5BNzIwMjMzNjM5M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTQ3MDg1MzE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Vigdis Anholt Erin Merryweather
David Morwick Peter Bloom
Elizabeth Callahan Dr. Paula Sheffield
Frank Ridley Joe Havey
Jillian Wheeler Erin (age 8)
Phil Darovic Kyle Andrews
Danielle Budlong Chrissy Dewhurst
James Henderson Billy Watkins
Heather Little Amy Thatcher
Lisa Nunn Professor Nancy Morrissey
Josef Wille John Merryweather
Janelle Loring Erin (Age 12) (scenesDeleted)
Carol Daker Erin’s Grandmother (scenesDeleted)
Robert Soares Medical Examiner
Jeff Ransom Police Photographer
John Pungitore Sign-In Student
Kathy Ginn Waitress
Jessica Loring Patty Cake Girl #1
Jessica White Patty Cake Girl #2
Jason M. Miller John McCarthy
Desiree Kennedy Erin’s Voices
Lauren Maffeo Erin’s Voices
Alyssa Bowman Erin’s voices
Andre Cantave Student
Jon Curley Student
Sarah Deeb Student
John Dizalo Student
Betsy Donovan Student
Christina Francis Student
Andrew Gentile Student
Jason Hagloff Student
Jonathan Hagloff Student
Christine Lagrasta Student
Michael Lambinger Student
Katie Lehtola Student
Patricia Lynn Student
Melissa Mailloux Student
Adam Mason Student
Carrie McCarthy Student
Deanne Moore Student
Kristen Morwick Student
Ryan Prophett Student
Laura Raymond Student
Leanne Raymond Student
Debra Silva Student
Chris Toms Student
Kim Usher Student

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Trivia and Facts

  • Both the main actors, David Morwick, and Vigdis Anholt, are professionally trained theatre actors. They first met at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts as students.
  • In a climactic scene where Vigdis Anholt is seen throwing David Morwick against the library stacks, David cries out “please stop”. This was an unplanned line, resulting from David hurting his back during the scene.
  • The film pays homage to other films, with explicit references to “Rosemary’s Baby(1968)”.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Middleboro, Massachusetts, USA
    • Latitude: 41.8929942
    • Longitude: -70.9107708
    • Place ID: ChIJoysXjsCU5IkR8hyXmgLLkcU
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Middleborough, MA, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York

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