Percentage (2014) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Percentage (2014) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Percentage” released in 2014, is an Action and Crime thriller. The film, directed by Alex Merkin, showcases Cam’ron Giles and Elya Ottenberg as main characters. It’s an intriguing journey of two hustlers who establish a credit fraud operation in Miami, drawing the attraction of local crime lords and the police.

Where it Filmed?

This movie was shot in the sunshine city of Miami, Florida, USA. Unfortunately, the exact filming dates are not available. The filming location contributes in setting up the thrilling moment of the hustler duo anteing up in the city of crime.MV5BMTY2NjY5MTc2MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODEyNDA5MDE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Cam’ron Ant
Omar Gooding Carter
Ving Rhames Porter
Macy Gray Mama Cash
Malinda Williams Cassandra
George Katt Mirland ‘Landi’ Cela
Donnell Rawlings Petey
Antwon Tanner Flaco
K.D. Aubert Jackie
Jesse Liebman Wally
Myquan Jackson Duke
Antoni Corone Anatoly
Olga Bespalenko Irina
Candy J. Blanco Passer-By
John ‘B.J.’ Bryant Crisco
Xavier Burbano Russian Gangster
Victor Centofanti Russian Thug with Uzi
Blac Chyna
Christopher De Stefano Wealth Male Shopper
Amedeo Falgiatore Indian Store clerk
Ronny Gutierrez Skateboarding Drug Trafficker
Jay Hunter Ty
Edian Ibarrola Skateboarding Drug Trafficker
Tracy Lee Detective
Johann Luna Drunk
Rayner Miyar Russian Mob Boss (archiveFootage)
Francisco A. Pino Mover
Pilar Sanders Store Owner
Tom Stedham Detective
Danny Debs Albanian Goon (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

  • The film “Percentage” falls within the Action and Crime genre.
  • It holds a duration of 1h 26min.
  • It was released in the United States on 24th April 2014.
  • In addition to being the lead actor, Cam’Ron Giles also contributed as an executive producer.
  • Besides Cam’Ron Giles, the movie also hosts stars like Omar Gooding, Ving Rhames.
  • The film shows two small-time hustlers Ant (played by Cam’ron) and Carter (played by Omar Gooding) who end up attracting attention from the police and top criminals in Miami after setting up a credit fraud operation.
  • The movie was distributed by Netflix and Black Entertainment Television (BET) amongst others.
  • Other notable cast includes Macy Gray, Malinda Williams, George Katt, and Donnell Rawlings.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Miami, Florida, USA
    • Latitude: 25.7616798
    • Longitude: -80.1917902
    • Place ID: ChIJEcHIDqKw2YgRZU-t3XHylv8
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Miami, FL, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York