America Has Fallen (2016) Filming Locations and Cast Details

America Has Fallen (2016) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie, “America Has Fallen” (2016), also known as “Rising Fear”, is an action-drama film which takes us on an intriguing journey of a rogue marine who sets out to stop terrorists when America gets taken hostage. Directed by Tom Getty who also takes the lead role of Ryan Taylor, stars Curtis Caldwell and Phil Lewis filled the roles of Agent Ron Carter and Mikel S. Razanov respectively. This article sheds light on where the film came to life, the characters, and fascinating facts about the movie and its backstage.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was shot primarily in Pennsylvania, USA specifically in places such as Johnstown and Pittsburgh. At this time, information about specific filming dates are not available.MV5BMTg1MDIzNTE2Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODkwOTg3OQ@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Tom Getty Ryan Taylor
Curtis Caldwell Agent Ron Carter
Eamon McGee Agent Mike Arlen
Kirsten Meenan Oskana Rowan
Chuck Getty President Collins
Michael Hoover Bannings
Ian O’Brien Bomber Terrorist
Louis Merriman Strong Terrorist
William Diefenderfer Art Boyd
E.R. Mike Waller Landlord
Nicholas Shashaguay Tactical Chief
Ryan Lombardi Terrorist Tech
T.J. Rosage Tech
Jason Hughes Sniper
Joel Neff Cameraman Terrorist
Aaron Neff Machine Gun Terrorist
David Roush KDIA TV News Anchor
Natalie Bigley CXN Newscaster
Chris Shadid Ground Zero Terrorist #1
Steve Shadid Ground Zero Terrorist #2
Corey Tokarsky FBI Guard
Terry Joel Johnson Man on News
Chandler Mical SWAT Man
Bill Dill Man on News #2
Anthony Pinto Man in Subway
Steven Chiado Man in Subway
Mike the Cat Ryan’s Cat
Abigail Mont Ground Zero Cast
Nathan Fowler Ground Zero Cast
Christian Leckey Ground Zero Cast
Carlos Vega Ground Zero Cast
Julie R. Vega Ground Zero Cast
Evan Dabbs Ground Zero Cast
Bill Scullion Ground Zero Cast
Oscar Zolbe Ground Zero Cast
Walter Brosius Ground Zero Cast
Richard Sholtis Ground Zero Cast
Philip Lewis Ground Zero Cast
Earl Galloway Ground Zero Cast
Walter Sisk Ground Zero Cast
Larry Giannone Ground Zero Cast
Christian Giannone Ground Zero Cast
Mike Lopresti Ground Zero Cast


Trivia and Facts

  • The director and writer of the movie, Tom Getty, also enacted the role of Ryan Taylor in the film.
  • Curtis Caldwell who is one of the film’s actors, also worked as a camera operator and casting associate.
  • Chuck Getty played the role of President Collins and also worked behind the scenes as a camera operator and participated in the casting process.
  • The movie was produced by Acrolight Pictures and was distributed by 101 Films in the United Kingdom and High Octane Pictures in the United States.
  • The film’s budget was estimated to be around $6000.
  • One interesting fact about the filming of “America Has Fallen” is that Tom Getty’s garage was used frequently throughout filming as a location.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA
    • Latitude: 40.32674069999999
    • Longitude: -78.9219698
    • Place ID: ChIJ-YXbqi8Ry4kRFeBP5xHlsZQ
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Johnstown, PA, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Location Name: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
    • Latitude: 40.44062479999999
    • Longitude: -79.9958864
    • Place ID: ChIJA4UGSG_xNIgRNBuiWqEV-Y0
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York