Cats Dancing on Jupiter (2015) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Cats Dancing on Jupiter (2015) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Cats Dancing on Jupiter” is an American Drama-Thriller released in 2015. This film revolves around the lives of two women who seem to be living a carefree life in LA but are dealing with trauma from their pasts. The film was directed by Jordan Alan and features Amanda Righetti, Nicole Andrews, and Jocelyn Saenz in leading roles.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of “Cats Dancing on Jupiter” took place mainly in two locations: Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, and Malibu, California, USA. The filming process of the movie was carried out in the year 2010.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Amanda Righetti Josephine Smart
Nicole Andrews Beverly
Jocelyn Saenz Amy
Erica Taylor Kylie Phillips
Jonathan Bennett Ben Cross
Anneliese van der Pol Dayna
Richard Grieco Derek Stockton
Allan Louis Berger
Billy Wirth Oleg
Andra Nechita Young Kylie Philips
Keith Coogan Fred
Lydia Cornell Myra
Justin Castor Larry
Eileen Alana Dolores
Bob Bagley Assistant DA Nosh
Holly Burns Raven
Lindsay Bushman Linda Katz
Ami Chorlton Gemma
Cody Deal Cop
Kristen Doute Scarlet
Ashley Hamilton Kurt
Jacqui Holland Violet
Daniela Hummel Sarah
Jill Jacobson Mrs. Katz
Christina Ochoa Jennifer
Stefanja Orlowska Secretary
Gerard Sanders Mr. Caulkers Esq.
Alena Savostikova Katya
Larissa Shadchina Russian Bank Teller
Rex Smith Rex Katz
Nicole Steinwedell Jillian
Natalie Stone Emma
David Thomas Dr.Frank
Greg Trigo Matt the Bartender
Augusto Valverde Spanish Man
Lou Wegner Louis Katz
Justin Williams Collin Q


Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was directed and written by the same person, Jordan Alan.
  • Amanda Righetti was not only the lead actress but also the co-producer of the movie.
  • The film is also known as CDOJup in the United States, L.A. Femmes Fatale(s) in Finland, and ギルティ 狂った衝動 in Japan.
  • The production of the movie was managed by two companies, Bliss Sinema and Evolution Independent.
  • The film also received special thanks from several companies and individuals including Celebrity Vault and Darius Trugman.
  • It was distributed theatrically in the United States by Terminal Bliss Pictures in 2011 and on DVD in Japan by Trans World Associates in 2017.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0907315
    • Longitude: -118.3266146
    • Place ID: ChIJv3lSBAe_woAR5Pq9l2eaevY
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: Malibu, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0380585
    • Longitude: -118.6923438
    • Place ID: ChIJP9YI-akd6IARWozqsnEtt5M
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Malibu, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

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