The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers” is a 2002 movie directed by Peter Jackson. It features actors like Bruce Allpress, Sean Astin, and John Bach. This article provides details about the filming locations, dates and interesting facts related to the movie.

Where it Filmed?

“The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers” was filmed in various locations in New Zealand. These include:

  • The Hinuera Valley, Matamata, Waikato,
  • Dry Creek Quarry, Wellington,
  • Mount Tasman, Southern Alps,
  • Mount Ruapehu, Tongariro National Park, Central Plateau, and
  • Queenstown, Otago.

The filming took place from Oct 11, 1999 – Dec 22, 2000, and also in May 2002.MV5BMjA3NDk3NjI5MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTI2MjY0NA@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Bruce Allpress Aldor
Sean Astin Sam
John Bach Madril
Sala Baker Man Flesh Uruk
Cate Blanchett Galadriel
Orlando Bloom Legolas
Billy Boyd Pippin
Jed Brophy Sharku / Snaga
Sam Comery Eothain
Brad Dourif Wormtongue
Calum Gittins Haleth
Bernard Hill Theoden
Bruce Hopkins Gamling
Paris Howe Strewe Theodred
Christopher Lee Saruman
Nathaniel Lees Ugluk
John Leigh Háma
Robbie Magasiva Mauhur
Robyn Malcolm Morwen
Ian McKellen Gandalf
Dominic Monaghan Merry
Viggo Mortensen Aragorn
Miranda Otto Eowyn
Craig Parker Haldir
Bruce Phillips Rohan Soldier
Robert Pollock Mordor Orc
John Rhys-Davies Gimli / Voice of Treebeard
Andy Serkis Gollum
Olivia Tennet Freda
Liv Tyler Arwen
Karl Urban Eomer
Stephen Ure Grishnakh
Hugo Weaving Elrond
David Wenham Faramir
Elijah Wood Frodo
Victoria Beynon-Cole Hero Orc
Lee Hartley Hero Orc
Billy Jackson Cute Rohan Refugee Child
Sean Bean Boromir (extended edition)
Timothy Lee Wildman (extended edition)
John Noble Denethor (extended edition)
Richard Alexander Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Geoff Allen Gondorian Soldier / Orc / Rohan Soldier / Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Frazer Anderson Orc / Ranger (uncredited)
Daniel Andrews Gondorian Soldier / Orc / Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Ben Barrington Gondorian Soldier / Ranger / Orc (uncredited)
Julian Bartram Orc / Rohan Warrior (uncredited)
Grant Beban Gondorian / Orc / Ranger / Rohan Soldier / Uruk-hai (uncredited)
James Bennett Easterling / Gondorian Soldier / Haradrim / Orc / Ranger (uncredited)
Jarl Benzon Elven Warrior / Rohan Stable Boy (uncredited)
Jørn Benzon Elven Warrior (uncredited)
Owen Black Rivendell Elf (uncredited)
Colin Bleasdale Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Dorothy Anne Bonner Rohan Woman (uncredited)
Ben Britton Elf Warrior / Man of Rohan (uncredited)
Riley Brophy Cute Rohan Refugee Child (uncredited)
Alistair Browning Damrod (uncredited)
Alix Bushnell Rohan Refugee (uncredited)
Sean Button Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Ryan Carey Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Clint Carleton Easterling / Orc / Ranger / Rohan Recruit / Rohan Soldier / Uruk-hai / Wildman (uncredited)
Carey Carter Elf / Orc (uncredited)
Erin Cassie Village Girl (uncredited)
Robert Catto Elf (uncredited)
Rodney Cook Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Kelly Corbishley Rohan Refugee (uncredited)
Tack Daniel Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Augie Davis Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Mana Hira Davis Gondorian Soldier / Harad Warrior / Orc / Rohan Soldier / Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Shane Dawson Harad Warrior / Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Karlos Drinkwater Easterling Warrior (uncredited)
Aron Eastwood Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Frank Edwards Rohan Man (uncredited)
Lucy Edwards Rohan Woman (uncredited)
Greg Ellis Gondorian Soldier / Ranger / Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Clint Elvy Harad Warrior (uncredited)
Alexia Fairbrother Elven Warrior (uncredited)
Daniel Falconer Elven Warrior / Rivendell Elf (uncredited)
Claire Farrelly Rohan Woman (uncredited)
David Gatward Ferguson Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Siaosi Fonua Orc / Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Kester Fordham Elf Warrior (uncredited)
Michael Fowler Elf (uncredited)
Ben Fransham Elven Warrior (uncredited)
Frank Goldingham Rohan Refugee (uncredited)
Andy Gunn Elf Warrior / Ranger (uncredited)
Winham Hammond Uruk-hai (uncredited)
June Hancock Rohan Woman (uncredited)
Jonathan Harding Elf Warrior (uncredited)
Michael Harrison Easterling / Gondorian Soldier / Orc / Ranger / Rohan Soldier / Uruk-hai / Wildman (uncredited)
Lucas Hayward Rohan Boy (uncredited)
Dan Hennah Rohan Recruit (uncredited)
Liz Hewson Fighting Elf / Rohan Refugee (uncredited)
Paul Holmes Orc (uncredited)
Jason Hood Theoden’s Royal Guard (uncredited)
Davey Hughes Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Lani Jackson Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Peter Jackson Spear-Throwing Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Gareth Jensen Elf Warrior (uncredited)
Ralph Johnson Orc / Rohan Soldier / Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Are Manea Karati Harad Warrior (uncredited)
Sam Kelly Elf Warrior / Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Ron Kerkmeester Easterling / Gondorian Soldier / Orc / Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Richard Knowles Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Sandro Kopp Elven Warrior (uncredited)
Sam La Hood Orc Pitmaster (uncredited)
Greg Lane Berserker Torch-Bearer / Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Don Langridge Rohan Guard (uncredited)
Jaime Lawrence Elf / Rohan Refugee (uncredited)
Michael Lawrence Wildman (uncredited)
Alan Lee Rohan Recruit (uncredited)
Cameron Lemon Rohan Refugee (uncredited)
Lance Louez Orc / Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Jono Manks Twilight Ringwraith (uncredited) (archiveFootage)
Anne McCaffery Rohan Refugee (uncredited)
Brent McIntyre Witch-king (uncredited) (archiveFootage)
Dra McKay Rohan Woman (uncredited)
Joseph Mika-Hunt Uruk-hai / Gondorian Soldier (uncredited)
Arnold Montey Rohan Recruit (uncredited)
Dean Morganty Haradrim Warrior / Ranger / Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Henry Mortensen Rohan Boy Recruit (uncredited)
Francis Mountjoy Elf / Gondorian Soldier / Orc / Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Paul Norell Easterling (uncredited)
James Ordish Rohan Boy (uncredited)
Barrie M. Osborne Rock-throwing Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Wayne Phillips Captain of the Guards (uncredited)
Nooroa Poa Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Allan Poppleton Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Shane Rangi Easterling / Witch-king (uncredited)
Gareth Reeves Fighting Elf (uncredited)
Miranda Rivers Rohan Refugee (uncredited)
Campbell Rousselle Tree-cutting Orc (uncredited)
Matthew J. Saville Gondorian Soldier (uncredited)
Jeremy Sciascia Harad Warrior (uncredited)
Tony Shaw Rohan Man (uncredited)
Sam Shore Rohan Refugee
Elf (uncredited)
Shaneel Sidal Orc (uncredited)
Allan Smith Dead Marshes Elf (uncredited)
Dianne Smith Rohan Woman (uncredited)
Rebecca Stone Rohan Woman (uncredited)
Ken Stratton Easterling / Haradrim Warrior / Isengard Orc / Ranger / Rohan Soldier / Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Melvin Te Wani Orc (uncredited)
Sarah Thomas Rohan Refugee (uncredited)
Marcus Thorne Featured Orc (uncredited)
Robbie Titchener Easterling / Rohan Guard / Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Greg Tozer Conscripting Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
John Turner Orc / Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Piripi Waretini Uruk-hai Warrior (uncredited)
Julian Wilson Gondorian Soldier (uncredited)
Tim Wong Uruk-hai (uncredited)
Hannah Wood Rohan Woman in Cave (uncredited)
John Wraight Stable Hand (uncredited)
Kelley Kerr Young Rohan Refugee (uncredited)
Robert Young Uruk-hai (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

  • The movie lasts for 2h and 59min.
  • This action and adventure movie became available to the public on March 28, 2003.
  • It is the 12th top-rated movie, according to MovieTop.
  • The storyline involves characters Frodo and Sam getting closer to Mordor, with the help of Gollum. Meanwhile, the divided fellowship stands against Sauron’s new ally, Saruman.
  • The film won 2 Oscars, along with another 130 wins and 138 nominations.
  • It received 2,798 user reviews and 182 critic reviews.
  • The cast features stars like Bruce Allpress as Aldor, Sean Astin as Sam, John Bach as Madril, and many more.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Dry Creek Quarry, Wellington, New Zealand
    • Latitude: -41.2923814
    • Longitude: 174.7787463
    • Place ID: ChIJy3TpSfyxOG0RcLQTomPvAAo
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Wellington, New Zealand
    • Timezone: Pacific/Auckland
  • Location Name: Mount Tasman, Southern Alps, New Zealand
    • Latitude: -43.5666667
    • Longitude: 170.15
    • Place ID: ChIJa-IKc1rMK20RzW4odPyM2J4
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Mount Tasman, West Coast 7886, New Zealand
    • Timezone: Pacific/Auckland
  • Location Name: Mount Ruapehu, Tongariro National Park, Central Plateau, New Zealand
    • Latitude: -39.2817207
    • Longitude: 175.5685104
    • Place ID: ChIJxyVgAQT_am0RhOaSnLKKSfw
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Mount Ruapehu, Manawatū-Whanganui 3382, New Zealand
    • Timezone: Pacific/Auckland
  • Location Name: Queenstown, Otago, New Zealand
    • Latitude: -45.0301511
    • Longitude: 168.6615141
    • Place ID: ChIJX96o1_Ed1akRAKZ5hIbvAAU
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Queenstown, New Zealand
    • Timezone: Pacific/Auckland

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