For a Few Lousy Dollars (1995) Filming Locations and Cast Details

For a Few Lousy Dollars (1995) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“For a Few Lousy Dollars” is a movie that was released in 1995, filled with action and comedy. It revolves around amateur robbers, professional criminals, and a doesn’t so skilled assassin, among other interesting characters, all converging in a Tarantino-like spoof. This article will provide insight into where the movie was filmed, who fulfilled the roles, and other exciting behind-the-scenes information and facts.

Where it Filmed?

This film was shot in various locations within Canada. The primary filming spots were in British Columbia and Vancouver. The exact filming dates are not available, but the movie was released in Canadian theaters on 30th November 1995.MV5BZmJhMTc0ZDQtOGNiZS00OTBkLWI2M2EtMmY3MjcyOTNkNGU3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzU0NzkwMDg@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Donny Lucas Theo
Frank Cassini Franky Dinaldo
Freddy Andreiuci Man #1
Paul Jarrett Man #2
John Cassini Man #3
Lori Triolo Jasmine
David Fredericks Tony Barbone
Kyla Shaw Deloras
Garvin Cross Punk
Larke Miller Babe
Vanessa Rooke Sasha
Jason Douglas Big Daddy
Shane Deschamps Disalva’s Nephew
Silvio Pollio Waiter
Stefanie Evangelista Bella
David Helsel Gas Station Guy

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was directed by Micheal Bafaro and written by Evan Tylor.
  • Main stars of the film include Ben Immanuel, Ian Tracey, and Donny Lucas.
  • The film received one award nomination during its time.
  • Several scenes were filmed in British Columbia and Vancouver, Canada.
  • The movie falls under the genres of Action and Comedy and runs for a duration of one hour and 28 minutes.
  • Other known titles of the film include “Pour une poignée de fric” in Canada, “Wild Dogs – Wilde Killer” in Germany, “Por unos malditos dólares” in Spain, “Заради няколко скапани долара” in Bulgaria, and “Vromiko hrima” in Greece.
  • The film makes a reference to another famous movie, “For a Few Dollars More” released in 1965.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: British Columbia, Canada
    • Latitude: 53.7266683
    • Longitude: -127.6476206
    • Place ID: ChIJr2prqsdmelMR-fHnN-lBG4g
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: British Columbia, Canada
    • Timezone: America/Vancouver
  • Location Name: Canada
    • Latitude: 56.130366
    • Longitude: -106.346771
    • Place ID: ChIJ2WrMN9MDDUsRpY9Doiq3aJk
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Canada
    • Timezone: America/Regina
  • Location Name: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    • Latitude: 49.2827291
    • Longitude: -123.1207375
    • Place ID: ChIJs0-pQ_FzhlQRi_OBm-qWkbs
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Vancouver, BC, Canada
    • Timezone: America/Vancouver