Kiss of a Stranger

Kiss of a Stranger (1998) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie we’re talking about is Kiss of a Stranger, filmed in 1998. This film is a blend of romance and thriller and revolves around where it was shot. In the film, Mariel Hemingway, Corbin Bernsen and Matt Battaglia take on key roles. We’ll discover some intriguing and unexpected facts about this movie and what happened behind the scenes.

Where it Filmed?

The shooting of the movie Kiss of a Stranger happened in Los Angeles, California, USA. Unfortunately, the specific dates of the film shoots are not available. However, it’s important to note that all settings and backdrops you see in this drama-thriller movie are taken right from the heart of LA.MV5BMTkzMjY5NjI4MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjg3ODI0MDE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Mariel Hemingway Nova Clarke
Corbin Bernsen Mason
Matt Battaglia Nathan Leigh
Jeff Cesario Brian
Robert Walden Stephen Block
John Capodice Detective Brown
Jillian McWhirter Carla
Marina Anderson Monica
David Carradine Sean O’Leary
Dyan Cannon Leslie
Bill Henderson Buster
Kevin Dailey David
Phil Redrow Marty
Marvin Braverman Doctor
David Millbern Announcer
Janette Andrade Popcorn Seller (uncredited)
Alice Dinnean Audience Member (uncredited)
Dree Hemingway Funeral mourner (uncredited)
Isaac Marshall Audience Member (uncredited)
Meriah Nelson Party Girl (uncredited)
Robin J. Stafford Audience Member (uncredited)
Ray Trickitt Townsman in Audience (uncredited)
Gina Tuttle Townswoman in Audience (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • Diana Ross and Mick Jagger were originally considered for the parts of the lead’s parents, but didn’t end up playing those roles.
  • This movie runs for 90 minutes.
  • The sound in this movie is Dolby Digital.
  • The main languages used in this film are English.
  • The movie was staged in multiple locations, but was primarily filmed in Los Angeles, California, USA.
  • Interesting tidbit – the film was known by various names in different countries. In the United States, it was also known as “Drop Dead”, In Germany, it was “Der Kuss des Mörders”, and in Spain it was “El beso de un extraño”.