Castle Eros

Castle Eros (2002) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Castle Eros” is a fantasy-romance movie released in 2002. It conveys the intriguing story of two women who end up earning their living in a mythical castle in Europe after they run out of money. Directed by Madison Monroe, the film stars Chelsea Blue, Holly Sampson, and Catalina Larranaga, who play the roles of Gabriella, Julia, and Isabel respectively. This article not only discusses the locations where the movie was filmed, but also presents some interesting facts and trivia about the film.

Where it Filmed?

The movie “Castle Eros” was primarily filmed in Rome, Lazio, Italy. Unfortunately, the specific dates of filming are not available.MV5BMTQyOTEyNzAwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwOTA0MTg5. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Holly Sampson Julia
Catalina Larranaga Isabel
Sebastien Guy Michael
Denis Marti Sergio
Loredana Bontempi Redhead
Giro Tommaselli Handsome Man
Mirko Cito Shy Guy
Silvia Gogovacinschi Blonde
Evita Pascual Amorous Couple
Don Pascual Amorous Couple

Trivia and Facts

  • The film “Castle Eros” is categorized under the genres of fantasy and romance.
  • It has a runtime of 1 hour and 32 minutes.
  • The movie was directed by Madison Monroe and written by Louise Monclair.
  • Main stars in the film are Chelsea Blue, who played Gabriella; Holly Sampson, who portrayed Julia; and Catalina Larranaga, who acted as Isabel.
  • The producers of the film include Charles Band and Michael Feichtner.
  • It was produced by Surrender Cinema and distributed by various companies, including DNC Entertainment, Eagle Home Entertainment, Full Moon Features, Image Entertainment, etc.
  • The film is also known by different titles in different countries, such as “Castle Erotica” in the United States, “爱神城堡” in China, “Zamek Erosa” in Poland, and “Castillo erótico” in Mexico.
  • It was certified with an ‘R’ rating in various countries including Australia, Canada, India, Italy, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States.