
Homeless (2015) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie titled ‘Homeless’ was released in 2016. It’s a drama with a runtime of 1 hour and 32 minutes, centered around the life of an 18-year-old boy navigating his life in a shelter after the death of his grandmother. The film was directed by Clay Riley Hassler who, along with Anna Fields, penned the script. The main characters include Michael McDowell playing ‘Gosh’, Lance Megginson in a role of ‘Old Man’, and Julie Dunagan as ‘Tina’ amongst others.

Where it Filmed?

Homeless’ was predominantly filmed in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA. Unfortunately, the exact filming dates are not available but the movie was ultimately released to audiences in December 2016. The film brings to life the harsh realities of homelessness using this location.MV5BMTQ5Njk3Njg5Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjY4ODA2NTE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Michael McDowell Gosh
Lance Megginson Old Man
Julie Dunagan Tina
Hosanna Gourley Krystal
Parker Townsend Curtis
J.W. Buriss Carl
Michael Francis Paolucci Brian
Bruce Florence Trucker Hat
Jeffrey Felts Neck Tattoo
Carole Midura Granny
Tammy Bason Bus Station Cashier
Deborah Keller Botique Employee
Ralph Murphey Shelter Volunteer
Ron Dunn Shelter Group Meeting Attendee
Gerald Blakney Shelter Group Meeting Attendee
Billy Cummings Shelter Group Meeting Attendee
Kelsey Browne Shelter Volunteer (voice)
Carlise Dixon Shoe Store Employee
Samuel Hoggs Shoe Store Manager
Jordan Alexander Skate Shop Employee
David Reynolds Apartment Landlord
Mara McCaffray Sorority Girl
Sgt. Cranford Prison Sergeant (voice)
Dena Bleu Prison Security Office
Shavar Nick Bus Station Patron
Linda Thompson Bus Station Patron
Elmer Andrew Keller Bus Station Patron
Tasher David Samaritan Shelter Resident
Ronald H. Brown Samaritan Shelter Resident
Smiley Samaritan Shelter Resident
Robert T. White Samaritan Shelter Resident
John Savage Samaritan Shelter Resident
Waylon Brown Samaritan Shelter Resident
Michael Davis Samaritan Shelter Resident
Blue Samaritan Shelter Resident
John Scott Bar Patron
Ann S. Rutter Bar Patron
Jim Paterson Bar Patron
Alice Marinelli Bar Patron
Carol A. Deconinck Bar Patron
Maura Paterson Bar Patron
Joan Rankin Gaston Bar Patron
Harmony Morkve Mall Patron (uncredited)
Celia Quillian Bakery Worker (uncredited)
Shona Trumbo Store Employee (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie boasts a number of recognisable faces with a large ensemble cast.
  • Interestingly, the film was shot in a real homeless shelter using actual homeless people, contributing to the realism of the story.
  • It won one award and received a nomination for another one.
  • The storyline was largely influenced by the everyday struggles of Gosh, the main character, who tries to find a job and fails due to having the shelter as his address.
  • While giving an authentic feel to the movie, it indeed raises awareness about homelessness and its effects on individual lives.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA
    • Latitude: 36.09985959999999
    • Longitude: -80.244216
    • Place ID: ChIJd7LWgpuhU4gRRYI_tFRfMlA
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Winston-Salem, NC, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York