Death to Smoochy

Death to Smoochy (2002) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Death to Smoochy, a captivating movie from 2002 that falls under the categories of comedy and crime. The film, which was released in the USA on March 29, 2002, was directed by Danny DeVito and written by Adam Resnick. It’s well-liked for its memorable cast, featuring Robin Williams, Edward Norton, and Catherine Keener. This article will discover more about the locations used for filming, behind-the-scenes trivia, and exciting facts.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was filmed in diverse locations. These included various settings across Ontario, Canada such as Toronto and Hamilton. One of the notable sites was the famous Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto. Additionally, parts of the movie were captured in the bustling Times Square, on 42nd Street in Manhattan, New York City, USA. The filming process took place between January 17, 2001, and May 11, 2001.MV5BMTM0MDUyOTUzMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzU4MzMyNw@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Robin Williams Rainbow Randolph
Edward Norton Sheldon Mopes / Smoochy the Rhino
Catherine Keener Nora Wells
Danny DeVito Burke Bennett
Jon Stewart Marion Frank Stokes
Pam Ferris Tommy Cotter
Danny Woodburn Angelo Pike
Michael Rispoli Spinner Dunn
Harvey Fierstein Merv Green
Vincent Schiavelli Buggy Ding Dong
Craig Eldridge Husband
Judy White Wife
Tim MacMenamin Danny
Bruce McFee Roy
Glen Cross Jimmy
Bill Lake Bartender
Nick Taylor Henry the Thug
Tracey Walter Ben Franks
Louis Giambalvo Sonny Gordon
Colin Moult Rhinette / Krinkle Kid #1
Nikolai Tichtchenko Rhinette / Krinkle Kid #2
Martin Klebba Rhinette / Krinkle Kid #3
Tonya Reneé Banks Rhinette / Krinkle Kid #4
Philip Craig Senator
Natasha Kinne Smoochy’s Secretary
Richard Hamilton Old Vagrant
Shawn Byfield Rickets
Todd Graff Skip Kleinman
Melissa DiMarco Tara
Dan Duran Hunter
Michael Copeman Reporter #1
James Carroll Reporter #2
Suzanne Leonard Feliz Reporter #4
Thomas Lyons Reporter #5
Angela Bullock Reporter #6
Robert M. Sussman Reporter #7
George Blumenthal Reporter #8
Matthew Arkin Save the Rhino Man
Hugo Jansuzian Hispanic Dad
Silvia Rojas Hispanic Mom
Mario Andres Torres Hispanic Boy
Sabrina Jansuzian Hispanic Girl
John ‘Cha Cha’ Ciarcia Autograph Man
Adam Bryant Man in Crowd #2
Richard Ziman Man in Crowd #3
Frank Anello NYPD
Samantha Cordero Little Girl
Peter Keleghan News Anchor
Rothaford Gray Ellis
Gerry Quigley Ian
James Binkley Cop #1
Dylan Roberts Stagehand
Vito Rezza Lead Cop
Lou Cantres Little Girl’s Dad
John Cleland John
Lauren Flanigan Opera Diva
Cara Wakelin Princess
Ted Kavouris Candy Seller
Tony Ashmore New Yorker on the Street (uncredited)
Ty Copeman Car and Driver (uncredited)
Antonio Cordero Rainbow Randolph Friend (uncredited)
Jonah Falcon Man (uncredited)
Frank Falcone Man in crowd (uncredited)
Katie Finneran Woman in Crowd (uncredited)
Edie Inksetter Molly (uncredited)
Greg Korin Smoochy Fan (uncredited)
Peter Kosaka Takeshi Yamashita (uncredited)
Danny LeGare Newsstand Clerk (uncredited)
Richard D. Leko Smoochy Land Band Member (Purple & White Monkey Keyboard Player) (uncredited)
Peter Loung Blue (uncredited)
Darian Mark Child (uncredited)
Robert Mauzell Security Guard at Methadone Clinic (uncredited)
Felicia Peluso Woman in Park with Baby Carriage (uncredited)
Martin Pfefferkorn Meth Addict at Clinic (uncredited)
Robert Prosky Network Chairman (uncredited)
Michael Sercerchi Michael (uncredited)
Marc Yarrish Street Vendor (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

  • The runtime of the movie is 1 hour and 49 minutes.
  • The main character, Sheldon Mopes (played by Edward Norton) is also known as Smoochy the Rhino.
  • Robin Williams played Rainbow Randolph, who was a kids’ show host disgraced and fired from his position.
  • Danny DeVito, apart from directing the movie, also played the role of Burke Bennett.
  • The movie received 2 nominations for awards.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    • Latitude: 43.653226
    • Longitude: -79.3831843
    • Place ID: ChIJpTvG15DL1IkRd8S0KlBVNTI
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Toronto, ON, Canada
    • Timezone: America/Toronto
  • Location Name: Ontario, Canada
    • Latitude: 51.253775
    • Longitude: -85.3232139
    • Place ID: ChIJrxNRX7IFzkwRCR5iKVZC-HA
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Ontario, Canada
    • Timezone: America/Toronto
  • Location Name: Times Square, 42nd Street, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
    • Latitude: 40.7567004
    • Longitude: -73.9877448
    • Place ID: ChIJ3SCduVRYwokRu89SUng5fVg
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 217 W 42nd St, New York, NY 10036, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York

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