Last Stop

Last Stop (2014) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Last Stop” (also known as “Don’t Blink”) from 2014 is a fantasy and horror film. This movie tells the story of ten people who stumble upon an empty mountain resort, forcing them to uncover the secrets behind it. The main roles are played by Mena Suvari, Brian Austin Green and Joanne Kelly. Let’s learn more about this film, including its filming locations and interesting facts.

Where it Filmed?

The filming location for “Last Stop” was Ruidoso, New Mexico, USA. Unfortunately, the specific filming dates were not provided. This location was crucial in setting the eerie and haunting atmosphere of the secluded mountain resort in the story.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Mena Suvari Tracy
Brian Austin Green Jack
Joanne Kelly Claire
Zack Ward Alex
Fiona Gubelmann Ella
Leif Gantvoort Sam
Curtiss Frisle Lucas
Emelie O’Hara Amelia
Boots Southerland Sherrif
Robert Picardo The Man in Black
Nathan Lorbietzki Man in Black #2 (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

• This is the first movie directed by Travis Oates who is well-known for providing the voice of Piglet in Disney’s Winnie the Pooh movies.
• Approximately 16:10 into the film, you might notice a couple of people walking in the woods behind Claire’s right shoulder. It’s unclear whether these are crew members or unintentional hikers caught on camera.
• The film includes references to “The Wizard of Oz” from 1939.
• One of the movie’s soundtracks is “Rocky Mountain High”.
• A memorable quote from the film comes from the character Alex: “I don’t know where they go when they disappear, but I’ve read enough Stephen King to know that nothing safe comes back from that dark place.”MV5BYjM3N2Q5ODQtZTQ4OC00YjVmLWEyNzctNGRhZDNjYzYyMjdjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDA1NDA2NTk@. V1 QL75 UX820

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Ruidoso, New Mexico, USA
    • Latitude: 33.3338601
    • Longitude: -105.6813321
    • Place ID: ChIJIZ9Ij-vW4YYRZqtSIEB1if4
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Ruidoso, NM, USA
    • Timezone: America/Denver

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