Analog Days

Analog Days (2006) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The film “Analog Days,” released in 2006, delves into life and youth experiences in Newhall, California. Directed by Mike Ott, the movie features actors Chad Cunningham, Granger Green, and Ryan Johnsen in pivotal roles. This piece offers some fascinating behind-the-scenes details about the movie and its shooting locations.

Where it Filmed?

“Analog Days” was shot in Newhall, California, a place situated approximately thirty miles north of Los Angeles. It’s a location that isn’t quite city-like or completely secluded and provides a unique backdrop for the film’s narrative.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Chad Cunningham Lloyd
Granger Green Molly
Ryan Johnsen Fenster
Ivy Khan Tammy Keitel
Brett L. Tinnes Jordan
Ronnie Alvarez Adria
Nick Anderson Poli Sci Student
Janelle Bauer Party Goer #3
John Brotherton Butler
Shaughn Buchholz Derek
Jonathan Burbridge Lawler
Jackie Buscarino Melanie
Dimitri Cassini Art Student #2
Aigars Ceplitis Lundgren
Eric Clarke Video store customer
Jon Anthony Colarusso Karaoke DJ
Chris Cunningham Tucker
Ryan Dillon Alex Brody
David Fenster Kevin
Joseph Garza Art Student
Nate Harrington Party Goer #1
Aaron Hemphill Party Goer #4
J.R. Hughto Garbo
Lee Lynch Gene
Tyson Mathias Party Goer #2
Meyer Speech Teacher
John Moskell Jr. Art School Professor
Tyler Nelson Dameco
David Nordstrom Troy
Charles Pasternak Charles
Alyssa Price Bitchy Student
Carla Regina Lawler Gang Girl
Tim Roberts Resturant Boss
Nathan Rodriguez Peter
Brian Roettinger Vo-tech Guy
Roshni Sharma Karen
Josh Simpson Iguana
Melissa Soltero Infomercial Girl
Breanna Startzel Stephanie
Lizzie Wells Lizzie
Savitri Young Make out slut

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Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was directed and written by Mike Ott.
  • The primary actors were Chad Cunningham, Granger Green, and Ryan Johnsen.
  • The film received an award nomination.
  • Newhall, California served as the backdrop for the film’s narrative.
  • Much of the story revolves around youth living at home and grappling with their identities.
  • The film’s tagline is “Real life doesn’t always end like a movie,” encapsulating the film’s overall theme.
  • “Analog Days” was Mike Ott’s thesis film for graduate school at the California Institute of the Arts.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Newhall, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.373361
    • Longitude: -118.5400404
    • Place ID: ChIJU8LvmtOGwoARFioS3vhtBxQ
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Newhall, Santa Clarita, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

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