Codename: Silencer (1995) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Codename: Silencer (1995) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Codename: Silencer” is a 1995 action-thriller movie directed by Talun Hsu, which features a captivating plot and intriguing characters. This piece will take you on a journey to the film’s shooting locations and introduce you to some interesting behind-the-scenes trivia. The movie stars Robert Davi, Steven Bauer, and Brigitte Nielsen in pivotal roles.

Where it Filmed?

“Codename: Silencer” was filmed in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. The picturesque city served as the perfect backdrop for the movie’s thrilling scenes. The filming of the movie took place in June 1994.MV5BM2Q2NzgyZTEtYjdiYS00YzZkLWFiNzItZjljNmQzNGE0MmFlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA0MDM0ODY@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Robert Davi Eddie Cook
Steven Bauer Vinnie Rizzo
Brigitte Nielsen Sybil
Jan-Michael Vincent Detective Reinhart
Cindy Ambuehl Special Agent Janet Hood
Eliott Keener Captain Hendricks
Lawrence LeJohn T.C.
Eric Codora Jake
Mario Opinato Joey Gianelli
Jim Chimento Bruce Gianelli
Annie McAuley Dani
Eric Weston Jensen
Celeste Melerine Young Girl
Angela Johnson Katherine
Jeanette Kontomitras Garage Sale Lady
Daniel Savitt Interpreter #1
Talun Hsu Interpreter #2
Brent Pfaff Policeman #1
B.J. Green Policeman #2
Barry Fletcher Policeman #3
David Jensen Forensics #1
Nolan Randal Perkins Forensics #2
Graham Timbes Buck
Benford Davis Prison Guard
Douglas M. Griffin Prison Guard
John McConnell Truck Driver
Lynn Gansar TV News Reporter
Eric Lutes Detective
Joe Svezia Detective
Tonia Henderson Bartender
Bobbie Jean Brothers Hooker #1
Lisa Weber Dinvaut Hooker #2
Nira Lys Moore Dancer
Karen Jump Dancer
Jennifer McDonald Dancer
Marcia Elaine Dancer
Brent Crayon Piano player (uncredited)
Terence Rosemore Prison Guard (uncredited)
John Scalco Shopper (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

A few fun facts about “Codename: Silencer” include:

  • The director of the movie, Talun Hsu, is also listed as an “Interpreter #2” in the credits.
  • Initially, the movie also got known by names like “Body Count”, “ザ・サイレンサー MAGNUM357”, and “L’implacable” in various countries.
  • The movie runs for 93 minutes and was principally shot in English.
  • A notable goof in the movie is an obvious stunt driver replacing Robert Davi in a scene involving the red Audi.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
    • Latitude: 29.95106579999999
    • Longitude: -90.0715323
    • Place ID: ChIJZYIRslSkIIYRtNMiXuhbBts
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: New Orleans, LA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago