HipBeat (2020) Filming Locations and Cast Details

HipBeat (2020) Filming Locations and Cast Details

HipBeat is a drama movie released in 2020. It tells the tale of a young political activist embarked on a self-discovery journey in Berlin’s queer community while searching for love and anarchy. The story features the community’s colors and the roles of main cast members like Samuel Kay Forrest, Beatrix Michelet, and Andriana Manfredi.

Where it Filmed?

The shooting of the movie took place in two primary locations: Berlin in Germany and Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The official filming dates are not disclosed. The movie showcases the vibrant experiences and the diverse urban scenes of these two cities.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Samuel Kay Forrest Angus
Beatrix Michelet Beatrix
Andriana Manfredi Lily
Marie Céline Yildirim Angie
Enzo de Liguoro Z
Ian Loughran Jamie
Jurjen van Nes Markus
Javier Taboada Pedro
Réda Ait Venevieve
Nicole Albrecht Nikita
Andrea Ammocha Raver 34
Alary Anatashia Drag Queen
Victoria Bacon Raver 23
Anja Bien Raver 8
Kasper Bisgaard Raver 36
Kasia Borek Raver 11
Ansje van Brandenberg Oma
Sanja Burger Raver 17
Natalie Capello Raver 29
Deborah Coutinho Aunt
Haidar Darwish Belly Dancer
Sarai Nijenbandring de Boer Cousin
Rauter Dolores Raver 13
Nika Donna Raver 32
Frank Dubiel Police Commissioner
Kenzie Eason Raver 1
Alexey Esaulov Süßkartoffel
Jeanette Fischer Raver 38
Amelia Forrest Dancer
Juliet Fox DJ Julia Fox
Adrian Frnz Freedom
Bina Gerwick Natalya
Sophia Ghezzoteal Raver 26
Rebecca Godfrey Raver 16
Rana Gokdal Raver 14
Farnanda Guihea Raver 35
Halihn Heidi Gujenn Susie
Barbara Hermann Raver 33
Sascha Holtge Rocker
Claudio Jack Raver 5
Asta Jarlner Raver 6
Emilie Jayaswal Raver 28
Cuba Kaczywski Raver 31
Dominka Kazerari Raver 9
Nora Keese Raver 27
Katie Kline Raver 3
Sofianna Kohtakangas Raver 2
Sylvia Kubicka Raver 18
Sarah Lu Raver 12
Marco Luise Dee Dee
Fiona Mahdavian Raver 15
Valeina Mayes Raver 25
Kyle McKay Raver 20
Grant Melissas Raver 4
Gonzolo Mendoza DJ Bruce
Tajda Meze Irina
Katia Morgan DJ Katya
Elena Moroder Raver 22
Jenny Motte Raver 39
Merve Namli Sarah
Inish Hedén Næss Bobby
Gunnar Karl Olafsson Gay Kay
Alexander Pewin DJ Alex Voices
Farhad Pocha Raver 21
Lea Prinz Acrobat Dancer
Filip Sut Rutkowski Franky
David Ruzzi Raver 30
Ilia Skibinsky Johnny
Naomi Stunsman Raver 19
Soul Suleiman Zoey
Stephanie Elizabeth Third Lizzy
Regitze Thomsen Celesti
Evelijn van Brandenberg Me Ma
Jochem van Bruggen Dancer
Franziska Vasen Raver 10
Lil Ward-Collins Sophie
Madeleine White Maxie
Naledi Wilde Raver 7
Alexander Will Raver 37
Jennifer Wimmer Raver 24
Helmut Wößner Helmut
Dani Zaripov Zari


Trivia and Facts

  • The film was directed and written by Samuel Kay Forrest; he also played a leading role.
  • In the filmmaker’s circle, Ansje van Brandenberg and Martine Melloul are notable contributors as both served as executive producers.
  • The film’s music was created by Julien Oneill and the Phantoms of the Tribe.
  • Many notable contributors worked behind the scenes of the film, including Joshua Monroe (cinematographer), Kieran Peters and Cornelia Pont (editors), Alexander Forrest and Jurjen van Nes (assistant directors), and Sascha Holtge (set designer).
  • HipBeat’s runtime is 89 minutes and was released in the United States.
  • The official HipBeat’s tagline: “Surrender to love”.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Berlin, Germany
    • Latitude: 52.52000659999999
    • Longitude: 13.404954
    • Place ID: ChIJAVkDPzdOqEcRcDteW0YgIQQ
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Berlin, Germany
    • Timezone: Europe/Berlin