Hell Hath No Fury (2021) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Hell Hath No Fury (2021) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Hell Hath No Fury” is a war-action film released in 2021. Directed by Jesse V. Johnson, the film features characters such as Marie, portrayed by Nina Bergman, Von Bruckner by Daniel Bernhardt, and Jerry by Timothy V. Murphy. In the movie, to survive, Marie must lead her rescuers to a gold cache before the Nazis locate it. The movie’s story and other interesting details are further discussed here.

Where it Filmed?

The entire filming of this movie took place in Belarus. However, the exact dates of when the filming began and when it ended are not provided.MV5BNzhjMjI2M2MtOGEyYi00MjJlLTkyZGQtMDQ5NWNmMzcyODY5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDA4NzMyOA@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Nina Bergman Marie
Daniel Bernhardt Von Bruckner
Timothy V. Murphy Jerry
Louis Mandylor Major Maitland
Charles Fathy George
Josef Cannon Vic
Luke LaFontaine Chris
Andrew Bering Metz
Selkie Hom Free French Selkie
Remi Bakkar Free French Remi
Terence J. Rotolo French Resistance
Alina Andrei French Resistance
Yavuz Topuz French Resistance
Michael Thayer B25 Crew
Ruslan Ialgashev B25 Crew
Jesse V. Johnson B25 Crew
Erken Ialgashev Russian Officer
Sean Murray SS Blood Tattoo Officer
Rene Raygoza Jr. SS Company Soldier
Sebastian Feichtner SS Company Soldier
Erich Staudenaus SS Company Soldier
Ros Dudekov SS Company Soldier
Horst Kuhnert SS Company Soldier
D.J. Rowdy Yates Soldier Dakota


Trivia and Facts

  • There’s a common misconception that the Army Air Forces were referred to as the Army Air Corps during the war. On 20th June 1941, the Air Corps was renamed as Army Air Forces. Therefore, during the war, it was either referred to as Air Force or Army Air Forces.
  • A goof noticed in the film is regarding a German riding a motorcycle with a Wehrmacht (army) plate tagged as WH-72172, whereas, it should’ve been an SS- plate considering it’s an SS division motorcycle.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Belarus
    • Latitude: 53.709807
    • Longitude: 27.953389
    • Place ID: ChIJgUit4oQl2kYREIzsgdGhAAA
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Belarus
    • Timezone: Europe/Minsk