Mirror Mirror 3: The Voyeur (1995) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Mirror Mirror 3: The Voyeur (1995) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Mirror Mirror 3: The Voyeur” is a horror-drama film from 1995. This film tells a story of a young man who comes across a mysterious mirror that casts terrifying visions of forbidden passion and brutal murder. You’ll get to know the actors who portrayed the characters and discover where the movie was filmed along with some intriguing backstage aspects.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was filmed at 2218 S Harvard Blvd, Los Angeles, California, USA. Unfortunately, specific filming dates are not provided.MV5BMzM5ODc0OTYzMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwODM5ODE5. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Billy Drago Anthony
David Naughton Detective Kobeck
Monique Parent Cassandra
Mark Ruffalo Joey
Richard Cansino Julio
Elizabeth Baldwin Carolyn
Rudolf Weber Ramone
Brandon Scott Peterson 1st Mobster on bridge
Ingrid Hyross Girlfriend
Florence Smith Old Cassandra

Trivia and Facts

  • Directed by Rachel Gordon and Virginia Perfili.
  • Written by Steve Tymon.
  • Starred Billy Drago as Anthony, David Naughton as Detective Kobeck, and Monique Parent as Cassandra among others.
  • Mark Ruffalo, known for his role as Joey in this film, also appeared in the second Mirror Mirror movie but in a different role.
  • The film has another title “Dreaming of Angelica” in the United States.
  • The film was also released in Brazil, Russia, and Greece with different titles.
  • The film’s runtime is 1 hour and 31 minutes.
  • The main credits of the film do not appear until 17 minutes into the film.
  • It was followed by “Mirror Mirror 4: Reflections” in 2000.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: 2218 S Harvard Blvd, Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0357547
    • Longitude: -118.3061523
    • Place ID: ChIJXas87XO4woARjgqwsCvq6Ns
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 2218 S Harvard Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90018, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles