Everyday Black Man

Everyday Black Man (2010) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Everyday Black Man” is a movie from 2010, mainly a blend of action and drama. It tells the story of Moses Stanton, a man with a violent past who now runs a small neighborhood store and secretly watches over his daughter. The film stars Ahku, Afi Ayanna, and Chris Ayles. There’s more to discover about the movie’s production process and interesting aspects related to the movie itself.

Where it Filmed?

The movie has been shot in Oakland, California, in the United States. Unfortunately, the exact filming dates are not stated, but it is established that the production took place before its release in 2010.MV5BMTA2Njc4Njk5NjFeQTJeQWpwZ15BbWU3MDczNzQ5NjI@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Ahku Darcy’s Driver
Afi Ayanna Claire
Chris Ayles William / Banker
Henry Brown Moses
Crystal Bush Nurse
Marion Christian Store Bodyguard
Ronald Gardner Officer 2
Ed Gilles III Darcy
Karleen Griffin Prostitute
Jahkahn Bayshore Gulley Delivery Kid
Dave Hall Gang Member
Omari Hardwick Malik
Daryl Anthony Harper The Preacher
Corey Jackson Sonny
Jermaine Steve Johnson Young Moses
Mawiyah Johnson Aisha
Emmanuel Lee Frank
J.T. Smash Officer 1
Gabriela Sykes Young Claire
Tessa Thompson Claire
C. Kelly Wright Gloria


Trivia and Facts

  • The film features a mix of action and drama.
  • The movie primarily focuses on the life of Moses Stanton, a man with a dark past who now lives a peaceful life.
  • The movie features numerous actors, with the likes of Ahku, Afi Ayanna, and Chris Ayles taking pivotal roles in the film.
  • Some notable scenes of the movie were filmed at Lone Tree Cemetery in Hayward, California.
  • The production budget of the movie is estimated to be around $10,000,000.