How to Be a Man

How to Be a Man (2013) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “How to Be a Man” released in 2013, is a comedy that portrays a former comedian, Mark McCarthy, who teaches his unborn son what it means to be a man through his raw and humorous life lessons, all captured by an impressionable young cameraman. This article sheds light on where the movie was filmed, the actors involved, and the interesting lesser-known facts about the movie’s production.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was filmed in New York City, New York, USA. The filming dates, however, are not specified in the given information.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Gavin McInnes Mark McCarthy
Liam Aiken Bryan
Megan Neuringer Margot
Marisa Redanty Bryan’s Mom
Helen Rogers Kaitlin
Jasmine Osborne Annabelle
Dario Barosso Bully
Lloyd DeLeon Bully’s Father
Samantha Massell Carly
Mike Keller Curt
Nigel DeFriez Felix
Paulo Costanzo Gary
Nicole Balsam Gabby
Brian Petsos Jo
Dana Watkins Tony
Patti Goettlicher Girl at Bar
Nesha Ward Woman Drug Dealer
Robert Olsen Junkie
Lawrence Goldhuber Sparkles
Bryan Gaynor Rob
Jason Valenzuela Bully Kid #1
Andrew Duran Bully Kid #2
Lela Edgar Walla Group (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

The film features a direction by Chadd Harbold and writing contributions from Bryan Gaynor, Chadd Harbold, and Gavin McInnes. The movie casts include Gavin McInnes as Mark McCarthy, Liam Aiken as Bryan, and Megan Neuringer as Margot among other talented actors. One of the highlighted facts about the movie is the capturing of life teachings by the central character facing a rare form of cancer. The movie was produced by diverse names including David Brooks, Bryan Gaynor, and Chadd Harbold. Interestingly, the film also added value to the music department through the contributions of Michael James Onufrak as a score composer. The film was distributed worldwide by 20th Digital Studio, Netflix, and Rockzeline.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: New York City, New York, USA
    • Latitude: 40.7127753
    • Longitude: -74.0059728
    • Place ID: ChIJOwg_06VPwokRYv534QaPC8g
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: New York, NY, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York