Sierra Baron (1958) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Sierra Baron (1958) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Sierra Baron is a movie from 1958, setting its story in California of 1848. The Western drama had Brian Keith, Rick Jason, and Rita Gam as pivotal characters battling over property rights. This piece discusses the filming locations, key actors, and fascinating facts associated with the movie’s making.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of Sierra Baron took place in Mexico. Unfortunately, the specific filming dates are not available. Mexico harbored the entire shooting of this Western drama, providing a engaging backdrop to the storyline.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Brian Keith Jack McCracken
Rick Jason Miguel Delmonte
Rita Gam Felicia Delmonte
Mala Powers Sue Russell
Steve Brodie Rufus Bynum
Carlos Múzquiz Andrews
Lee Morgan Frank Goheen
Lewis Allan Hank Moe
Pedro Galván Judson Jeffers
Fernando Wagner Grandall
Enrique Lucero Anselmo
Alberto Mariscal Lopez
Lynne Ehrlich Vicky Russell
Michael Schmidt Ralph
Tommy Riste Ralph’s Father
Reed Howes Sheriff
Robin Glattley Baker
Enrique Iñigo Assayer
Faith Perry Young Sue
Doris Contreras Young Felicia
Marc Lambert Cart Driver
Stillman Segar Butcher
Alicia del Lago Juanita
Armando Sáenz Eduardo
Lolla Davila Emmy
Ricardo Adalid 1st Playboy
Roy Fletcher 2nd Playboy
John Courier Express Rider
Mark Zachary Miner
Paul Arnett Miner
Bob Janis Henchman
Victor Jory Closing narrator (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie is a Western drama that was released in July 1958 in the USA.
  • Directed by James B. Clark and written by Thomas W. Blackburn and Houston Branch, the film spans for a duration of 1h 20min.
  • The cast of the movie includes renowned names such as Brian Keith, Rick Jason, and Rita Gam among others. Brian Keith played Jack McCracken, Rick Jason depicted Miguel Delmonte and Rita Gam was Felicia Delmonte.
  • The film was produced by Twentieth Century Fox and later distributed by the same in the United States and the United Kingdom.
  • Sierra Baron is also known by different names in various countries- ‘Sierra Barón’ in Spain, ‘O Barão da Serra’ in Portugal, ‘Zemljoposednik’ in Serbia, ‘Baronul cordilierei’ in Romania and ‘Stulet land’ in Sweden.
  • The film runs for 80 minutes and was shot in English language.
  • In terms of the audio-visuals, the film uses 2.35:1 aspect ratio and 4-Track Stereo for sound recording.
  • An interesting trivia about the movie is that it is the only acting credit for Lewis Allan, also known as Abel Meeropol. He was a song-writer famously known for “Strange Fruit” (1937).


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Mexico
    • Latitude: 23.634501
    • Longitude: -102.552784
    • Place ID: ChIJU1NoiDs6BIQREZgJa760ZO0
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Mexico
    • Timezone: America/Mexico_City