Last Kind Words (2012) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Last Kind Words (2012) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Last Kind Words is a movie released in 2012 that seamlessly blends the genres of drama and horror. The film tells the story of Eli, a 17-year-old who moves to Kentucky to work on an isolated farm and unravels some dark secrets. The movie features actors like Brad Dourif, Spencer Daniels, and Alexia Fast in the main roles.

Where it Filmed?

This movie was filmed in the beautiful locale of Hudson, Kentucky, USA. The primary filming process took place in the month of October, back in 2010.MV5BMTA2NjEwNjEwMzVeQTJeQWpwZ15BbWU3MDQ2NzM1ODg@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Brad Dourif Waylon
Spencer Daniels Eli
Alexia Fast Amanda
Marianne Hagan Ida
Sarah Steele Katie
Clay Wilcox Bud
Rich Williams Peterson
Lee Vervoort Joe
Darrell P. Miller Farmer
Trey Mingee Farm Boy
Rick Montgomery Jr. Antiques Dealer
Ron Eliot Billy
Griffin Saunders Laura
Eleanor McKenna Young Amanda
Joanne Kehl Old Ida
Sue Pile Mourner
Jesse Navigator

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie, which runs for 87 minutes, is rated as Unrated, suitable for a wide range of audiences.
  • The film was directed by Kevin Barker and written by Barker and Amy Riherd Miller.
  • As per the plot, 17-year-old Eli moves with his family deep into the backwoods of Kentucky to work on an isolated farm. He encounters the sweet and beautiful Amanda who harbors some very dark secrets.
  • Despite being considered a horror film, the tagline intriguingly describes the movie as a ‘Love is haunting’.
  • The movie was known as “Poslednje Lepe Reči” in Bosnia & Herzegovina and Croatia; “Elbocsátó szép szavak” in Hungary, and “Последние добрые слова” in Russia.
  • The official Facebook page of the movie provides more exciting facts and behind-the-scenes information about the film.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Hudson, Kentucky, USA
    • Latitude: 37.6511702
    • Longitude: -86.2766403
    • Place ID: ChIJK4KKiL00b4gR97Ji98zngIQ
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Hudson, KY 40145, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago

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