The Crude Oasis (1993) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The Crude Oasis (1993) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The Crude Oasis is a Drama/Romance movie released in 1995. It tells the story of Karen Webb, a lonely and despondent Kansas housewife, and her dramatic change of life. In this article, you’ll learn about where the film was shot, who played which character, and you’ll find out some more cool and unknown facts about this movie.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of The Crude Oasis took place exclusively in El Dorado, Kansas, USA.MV5BMTIyNzY5NjIzMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODMwMTYyMQ@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Jennifer Taylor Karen Webb
Aaron Shields Harley Underwood
Robert Peterson Jim Webb
Lynn Bieler Stone
Roberta Eaton Cheri
Anna Roedel Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Dean Roedel Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Scott McPhail Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Grace Kassabaum Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Dean Roedel Sr. Crude Oasis Bar Patron
David Powell Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Lucy Burlingame Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Kirk Kinsinger Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Kelly Lima Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Amy Wilson Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Sid Ziegler Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Sherry Clymer Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Trish Long Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Joel Bailey Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Eric Kaiser Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Tonia Bigelow Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Jason Crile Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Jerry Miller Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Jason Davis Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Scotty Tillotson Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Jennifer Wilhelm Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Polly Gaines Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Rick Hager Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Amber Hogan Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Shanna Hicks Crude Oasis Bar Patron
Jubal Peeves Crude Oasis Bar Patron

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Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was released in the US on July 7, 1995.
  • This movie falls under the genres of Drama and Romance.
  • The duration of the film is approximately 1 hour 21 minutes.
  • The film was directed by Alex Graves, who also wrote the story.
  • Main characters in the film are Karen Webb played by Jennifer Taylor, Harley Underwood played by Aaron Shields, and Jim Webb played by Robert Peterson.
  • Robert Peterson teaches acting at a community college near locations used in the film.
  • The movie was referenced in Defying Gravity(1997).
  • The Crude Oasis was produced by Bluestem Films and Miramax, and distributed by Paramount Home Entertainment in the US.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: El Dorado, Kansas, USA
    • Latitude: 37.81724
    • Longitude: -96.8622524
    • Place ID: ChIJ3Xu8VAazu4cR8_cz6LoamJo
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: El Dorado, KS 67042, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago