“Looking for Her” is a movie released in 2022, a comedy-drama that runs for 1hr and 44mins. It was set in motion under the direction and writing of Alexandra Swarens, featuring Olivia Buckle, Michelle Hakala Wolf, and Alexandra herself as the stars. This context provides an introduction to the film, its filming location, the cast, and a few intriguing insights about its production.
Where it Filmed?
This film was principally shot in California, USA. Unfortunately, the exact filming dates are not specified. However, the movie has successfully captured the distinctive vibe and charm of its Californian setting.
Cast Details
Cast Name | Role |
Olivia Buckle | Taylor |
Alexandra Swarens | Olive |
Michelle Hakala Wolf | Marge |
Robert Artz | Frank |
Stew Hartman-Mart | Randy |
Adrienne Ogle | Kai |
Jim Anderson | Grandpa Joe |
Shelly Cosper | Aunt Tammy |
Eric Laatsch | Uncle Harold |
Elizabeth Manning | Lilly |
Cecily Breaux | Meryl |
Bia Barnett | Claudia |
Jamie Taylor Ballesta | Gilly |
Myte Sosa | Fernanda |
Sharon Daugharty | Gertie |
Allie Spetalnick | Jess |
Austin Wittick | Mickey |
Catherine Lydon | Customer Carol |
Sarah Annaïs | Keri |
Jacob Sola | Cousin Georgie |
Christian Castillo | Tommy |
Trivia and Facts
- Alexandra Swarens, who played Olive, and Olivia Buckle as Taylor, have both previously starred together in another film called “City of Trees”. This makes “Looking for Her” their second joint cinematic adventure.
Geo Location Details
- Location Name: California, USA
- Latitude: 36.778261
- Longitude: -119.4179324
- Place ID: ChIJPV4oX_65j4ARVW8IJ6IJUYs
- Map Link: Google Map
- Place Address: California, USA
- Timezone: America/Los_Angeles