Paint (2020) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Paint (2020) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The film “Paint” is a comedy which came out in 2020. It’s about three art school friends who are trying to launch their careers in New York City’s eccentric art scene, while figuring out life. The film features Austin Pendleton, Josh Caras, and Olivia Luccardi among others.

Where it Filmed?

“Paint” was mostly filmed in Brooklyn, New York, USA. Unfortunately, the specific dates of filming are not available. Brooklyn served as the backdrop for the struggles and successes of the movie’s main characters in their respective art careers.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Austin Pendleton Professor Winston
Josh Caras Dan Pierson
Olivia Luccardi Kelsey Frick
Paul Cooper Quinn Donahue
Comfort Clinton Stephanie Buckland
Victor Verhaeghe John Pierson
Amy Hargreaves Leslie Pierson
David Patrick Kelly David Crays
John ‘Birdman’ Finn Bartender
Rebecca Karpovsky Hannah
Wakeema Hollis Christina
Daniel Bellomy Austin Gamby
Kate Stone Chloe Brown
John Wollman Gregory Buckland
Emrhys Cooper Ramòn Crameri
Kaliswa Brewster Claire Babchak
Stella Kammel Alyssa
Vince Nappo Brett Wysinski
François Arnaud Connor Fontaine
Derek Klena Leif
Lizzy DeClement Britney Conner
Jon Valde Breck
Phil Burke Dutch
Roger Netzer Anthony Burkhart
Jennifer Solodar Lena Burkhart
Damon J. Gillespie Chico
Gregory Gibson Kid
Nick Neon Chico
Carlo Fiorletta Bartender (uncredited)
Jackie Kuczinski Casey (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • The film “Paint” was based on the TV pilot, “Paint”, which premiered at Sundance in 2018.
  • The lead actors in the film are Austin Pendleton, Josh Caras, and Olivia Luccardi.
  • The film won 2 awards.
  • The movie is a comedy that runs for 1 hour and 35 minutes.
  • The film was directed and written by Michael Walker.
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    Geo Location Details

    • Location Name: Brooklyn, New York, USA
      • Latitude: 40.6781784
      • Longitude: -73.9441579
      • Place ID: ChIJCSF8lBZEwokRhngABHRcdoI
      • Map Link: Google Map
      • Place Address: Brooklyn, NY, USA
      • Timezone: America/New_York