Jugular Wine: A Vampire Odyssey (1994) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Jugular Wine: A Vampire Odyssey (1994) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Jugular Wine: A Vampire Odyssey” is a 1994 horror movie. This movie tells a tale of an anthropologist who transforms into a vampire and embarks on a journey around the United States. The movie is directed by Blair Murphy and features actors like Shaun Irons, Stan Lee, and Frank Miller playing various parts. This article provides insights on where the film was shot and highlights some interesting details and facts about the movie.

Where it Filmed?

The filming locations for the movie are quite diverse and intriguing. The movie was shot in different parts of United States, specifically at:

  • Alaska, USA
  • Los Angeles, California, USA
  • New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Unfortunately, the specific filming dates are not available. MV5BMTQ2NDg4NDI4NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDEwOTUzNg@@. V1 QL75 UX820

    Cast Details

    Cast Name Role
    Shaun Irons James Grace
    Stan Lee Prof. Baker
    Frank Miller Frank
    Meghan Bashaw Megan
    Grace Gongliewski Pamela
    Gordon Capps Richard Sartony
    Aki Aleong Gallery speaker
    Allien Davis Administrator
    Mike Mararian Student
    Ed Lee Student
    Rachelle Packer Monica
    Hank Helms Dead man
    Michael Colyar Bouncer
    Alfred Car Bouncer
    Henry Rollins Self
    Ryuko Wakabayashi Dr. Donna Park
    Baird Bryant Ship captain
    Scott Mascena Crew mate
    Manuel Abberra Crew mate
    Natalie Alexander Alexia
    Lisa Malkiewicz Elizabeth
    Rahule Sariputra Sitar player
    Vladimir Kehkaial Isaak
    Gina Fournier Victim
    Bryn DeJardin Victim
    Bill Moynihan Mr. Green
    Jerome Colburn Small vampire
    Mallory Liles Photographer
    Sue D’Amanda Party girl
    Cory Jeanne Murakami Door girl
    Katherine Burke Pregnant Fan
    Ken Brady Party guest
    Bill Delaney Closet Man
    Cal Farnham Closet Man
    Bob Straub Closet Man
    Wayne Radziminski Detective
    Jonathon Rabkin Detective
    Doug Irons Detective
    Don Lapore Detective
    Marshall Rubin Bouncer
    Linda Holdahl Ghoulish Woman
    Blair Murphy Nickadeamous
    Walter Dumani Bald Vampire
    Mark Khilnani Alaska Vampire
    Juliet James Woman Singer
    Madison Monk
    Irene Shore
    Andy Willinger
    Dana Grooms
    Lekili Jackson
    Jose Blanco
    Gail Tama Nakamura
    Tony Fasce (as Anthony Fasce)
    Heinrich James
    Marci James
    Megan Conway
    Geetoe Byrant
    Pablo Bryant
    Larry Beckstend
    Doreen Tracy
    Darin Kuhlmanm
    Brooks Duvall
    Jocelyn Skelly
    George Sheldon
    Stephanie Schwartzman
    Cheryl Christopher
    Dell Smith
    Steven Hart
    Joan Capps
    Rita Acosta
    George Kelly
    David Dalzell
    Hillary Black
    Diana Gallagher
    Carl Ventis
    Jim Schneeweis (as Jim Schneeweis Jr.)
    Gary Ash

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    Trivia and Facts

  • “Jugular Wine: A Vampire Odyssey” is a notch in independent film genre.
  • The movie features a vampire theme, one of the most popular in horror flicks.
  • The character ‘James Grace’ in the movie was acted by Shaun Irons.
  • Stan Lee, known for his comic book writings, portrayed ‘Prof. Baker’ in this movie.
  • The ship captain was played by Baird Bryant in the film.
  • ‘Jugular Wine’ is also known with other names such as ‘La sangre del vampiro’ in Argentina and ‘Vampiros, Os Habitantes das Trevas’ in Brazil.
  • One of the scenes in the film features “Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror,” a classic 1922 silent horror film.
  • The team behind the production of the movie is Pagan Pictures.
  • Despite the horror theme, the movie was granted an ‘Unrated’ certification in the United States.
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    Geo Location Details

    • Location Name: Alaska, USA
      • Latitude: 63.588753
      • Longitude: -154.4930619
      • Place ID: ChIJG8CuwJzfAFQRNduKqSde27w
      • Map Link: Google Map
      • Place Address: Alaska, USA
      • Timezone: America/Anchorage
    • Location Name: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
      • Latitude: 29.95106579999999
      • Longitude: -90.0715323
      • Place ID: ChIJZYIRslSkIIYRtNMiXuhbBts
      • Map Link: Google Map
      • Place Address: New Orleans, LA, USA
      • Timezone: America/Chicago
    • Location Name: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
      • Latitude: 39.9525839
      • Longitude: -75.1652215
      • Place ID: ChIJ60u11Ni3xokRwVg-jNgU9Yk
      • Map Link: Google Map
      • Place Address: Philadelphia, PA, USA
      • Timezone: America/New_York

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