360 (2011) Filming Locations and Cast Details

360 (2011) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The 2011 movie “360” is a blend of crime and drama that paints a panoramic image of intertwined love and relationships across multiple cities and countries. This movie was directed by Fernando Meirelles, written by Peter Morgan and Arthur Schnitzler, and unveiled in France on July 25, 2012. The movie starred Lucia Siposová, Gabriela Marcinková, and Johannes Krisch among others, and the story provides in-depth backstage facts about the settings that offer an exciting glimpse behind the scenes.

Where it Filmed?

The film “360” was shot in various locations around the globe. The main filming locations include Bratislava in Slovakia and Stillwater, Minnesota in the USA. The crew also filmed at 2-4 Boundary Street, Shoreditch, London, England, and Vienna, Austria. Some scenes were also shot at Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. The filming began on March 21, 2011.MV5BMTYwNzg4NTQ2Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTQ4MjM5MDI@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Lucia Siposová Mirka
Gabriela Marcinková Anna
Johannes Krisch Rocco
Danica Jurcová Alina
Jude Law Michael Daly
Peter Morgan Salesman 2
Moritz Bleibtreu Salesman
Riann Steele Waitress
François-Xavier Demaison Taxi Driver
Jamel Debbouze Algerian Man
Dinara Drukarova Valentina
Vladimir Vdovichenkov Sergei
Patty Hannock Psychiatrist
Rachel Weisz Rose
Juliano Cazarré Rui
Chipo Chung Editor
Maria Flor Laura
Sydney Wade Ellie
Ben Foster Tyler
Marianne Jean-Baptiste Fran
Anthony Hopkins John
Martin McDougall Policeman (Airport)
Gerard Monaco Airport Official (Security Desk)
Youssef Kerkour Policeman Phoenix (Morgue)
Sean Power AA Secretary
Mark Ivanir The Boss
Christoph Zadra Hotel Security Person
Giorgio Spiegelfeld Photographer
Lisa Palfrey Psychologist
Martin Butler Usa prisoner (uncredited)
Silvia Christie Air Hostess (uncredited)
Gordon Coe Diner (uncredited)
Pamela Betsy Cooper Office worker (uncredited)
Philip Craik Denver Airport Passenger (uncredited)
Ginny Dee Prison Secretary (uncredited)
Miguel Gonçalves Mendes Waiter (uncredited)
Darren Hammock Air Cabin Crew (uncredited)
Luke Howard Office Worker / Passer-by (uncredited)
Aisling Hughes Office Worker / Passer-by (uncredited)
Cyril Hutteau Grocer (uncredited)
Todd Von Joel Diner (uncredited)
Shaun Lucas Passenger / Restaurant Customer (uncredited)
Martyn Mayger Airline Passenger (uncredited)
Henry Monk Airport Passenger (uncredited)
Jools Newman Airport Passenger (uncredited)
David Norfolk Well Dressed Passenger (uncredited)
Adam Nowell Office Worker (uncredited)
Stuart J. Prowse Warehouse Worker (uncredited)
Mary Robinson Disgruntled passenger (uncredited)
Gordon Round D.O.C. Officer: S. Millborough (uncredited)
Edward Sampson Alcoholic AA Member (uncredited)
Bryan Shao Military Officer (uncredited)
Danubia Sousa AA Meeting attendee (uncredited)
Katrina Vasilieva Alyssa (uncredited)
Eva Von Mitzka US Prison Office Worker (uncredited)
Kelvin Wise Airport Passenger (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie is a modern and stylish kaleidoscope of interconnected love and relationships.
  • It links characters from different cities and countries, providing a deeply moving tale of romantic life in the 21st century.
  • The movie received three award nominations.
  • Jude Law plays the role of Michael Daly in the movie while Peter Morgan and Moritz Bleibtreu play salesmen.
  • Riann Steele plays a waitress and François-Xavier Demaison plays a taxi driver in the movie.
  • Jamel Debbouze brings the character of an Algerian man to life, and Dinara Drukarova played the role of Valentina.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Bratislava, Slovakia
    • Latitude: 48.1485965
    • Longitude: 17.1077477
    • Place ID: ChIJl2HKCjaJbEcRaEOI_YKbH2M
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Bratislava, Slovakia
    • Timezone: Europe/Bratislava
  • Location Name: Stillwater, Minnesota, USA
    • Latitude: 45.056004
    • Longitude: -92.80884429999999
    • Place ID: ChIJt0_FFvIx9ocRj-jY6s2OuUs
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Stillwater, MN 55082, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: Boundary, 2-4 Boundary Street, Shoreditch, London, England, UK
    • Latitude: 51.524475
    • Longitude: -0.0762987
    • Place ID: ChIJgSJZsrAcdkgRDBKu1-IgdkE
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 2-4 Boundary St, London E2 7DD, UK
    • Timezone: Europe/London
  • Location Name: Vienna, Austria
    • Latitude: 48.20806959999999
    • Longitude: 16.3713095
    • Place ID: ChIJn8o2UZ4HbUcRRluiUYrlwv0
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Vienna, Austria
    • Timezone: Europe/Vienna
  • Location Name: Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
    • Latitude: 44.8850593
    • Longitude: -93.2144354
    • Place ID: ChIJB2rAhSov9ocRkTV4eHzT0ys
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Minneapolis–Saint Paul International Airport (MSP), 4300 Glumack Dr, St Paul, MN 55111, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago

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