2nd Serve (2012) Filming Locations and Cast Details

2nd Serve (2012) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The film “2nd Serve” is a comedy sport movie released in 2012. The story revolves around a misbehaving former tennis star who gets a chance to revive his career at a public racquet club, leading a team of unique professionals. Key roles were played by Billy Magnussen, Cameron Monaghan and Kevin Sussman.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was shot in Louisville, Kentucky, USA. Specific filming dates, however, are unavailable.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Billy Magnussen Lingo
Cameron Monaghan Jake
Kevin Sussman Scott Belcher / O.C.D.
Josh Hopkins Owen Match
Dash Mihok Charles
Sam McMurray Coach Bussey
Alexie Gilmore Sherry
Sonny Burnette Judge Simms
Jou Jou Papailler Turner
Audra Todd Dolores
Timothy Morton Poetry Guy
Benjamin Wood Tennis player
Kayla Gill Candy
Chrissy Joy Emily
Carrie-Ellen Zappa Tennis Fan
Leah Roberts Dina
Lisa Baldwin Donna
Joshua Loren Gunner
Julie Dingman Evans Cindy
Thomas Dunbar Umpire
John Greer Fitz
Rohit Nahata Victor
Kitho Park Mr. Chang
Andy Blieden Patrick
Timothy C. Burns Combo Cup Announcer
Sara Michal Crystal
Ben Evans Roman / Dead Arm
David A Katz Background Extra
Keniesha Zell Pom- Pom
Gray Thurstone T-Cubed
Michael Taft Extra – Country Club Fan
Nathan Huraczy Ball Boy / Fountain Club fan
Tricia Aguirre Snobby Club Member (uncredited)
Jordan Blair Mangold Brown Tennis Player / Club Member (uncredited)
Madison Burgess Extra (uncredited)
Michael Finfrock Extra (uncredited)
Michael Brian Montgomery Portly Background Tennis Player (uncredited)
Steve Nichols Josh Hopkins
stand-in (uncredited)
Jason Welden Tennis player (uncredited)
James White Extra – Fountain Club (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

The film was directed by Tim Kirkman and written by James Markert. The movie runs for approximately 1 hour and 26 minutes. Throughout the film, viewers are introduced to a colorful cast of characters that offer a blend of unique personalities within the world of tennis. Interesting aspects of the shooting process, casting choices and key events in the movie might add to viewer’s appreciation of “2nd Serve.” However, specific trivia points and additional interesting facts for this movie haven’t been provided. MV5BNjQ3OTk4YTktNzU2Yi00YTE1LTgwYmMtNzY5OWRkYWQ0NDdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzk5ODY5Njk@. V1 QL75 UX820

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Louisville, Kentucky, USA
    • Latitude: 38.2526647
    • Longitude: -85.7584557
    • Place ID: ChIJEdVbsxoLaYgRMv1xICi009Q
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Louisville, KY, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York