2 Frogs in the West (2010) Filming Locations and Cast Details

2 Frogs in the West (2010) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“2 Frogs in the West” is a 2010 Canadian film. Directed by Dany Papineau, the film tells the story of a French-Canadian girl who quits college to travel across Western Canada. This text provides information about the film’s shooting locations, the roles played by the actors, and interesting backstage facts.

Where it Filmed?

Most of the filming for “2 Frogs in the West” took place in Canada. It was shot in three main locations: Montréal in Québec, Vancouver and Whistler in British Columbia. The specific dates for filming aren’t provided.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Dany Papineau Jean-François Laforest
Jessica Malka Gaby
Brandon Barton Brad
Juan Riedinger Tobey
Anik Vermette Julie Deschamps
Germain Houde Jacques Deschamps
Diane Lavallée Gisèle Deschamps
Valérie Chevalier Valérie
Charlie David Brett
Bruno Baronet André
Adam Bergquist Gérant de l’hôtel / Hotel Manager
Rick Tae Docteur / Doctor
Bill Marchant Propriétaire du chalet / Chalet Owner
Linda Darlow Serveuse de truckstop / Truckstop waitress
Scott Antifave Ami de Gaby
Peter Kennedy Policier / RCMP Policeman
Shannon Willes Réceptionniste de l’auberge / Hostel Clerk
Kim Appleton Gérante de l’épicerie / Grocery Manager
Laura Appleton Vendeuse de ski / Ski Shop Salesperson
Philip Moessinger Vendeur de snowboard / Le gang chalet / Snowboard Shop Salesman
Kathy Serveuse Québécoise
Faith Goh Serveuse anglophone / Anglophone waitress
Jonathan Gagnière Le gang chalet
Vicki Addre Le gang chalet
Sophie Luanich Le gang chalet
Dennis Hummert Le gang chalet
Frank Le gang chalet
Marie-Josée Bélanger Conseillère pédagogique
Michel Perron Camionneur / Trucker
Claude Knowlton Surfer
Aleksandra Voix opératrice (voice)
Sam Saulnier Max (voice)
Niels Schneider Max
France Perras Welfare Clerk

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Trivia and Facts

  • The film is a biography and comedy which was released in 2010.
  • At 1h 45min long, the main storyline follows the journey of Marie Deschamps, the 20-year-old French-Canadian main character.
  • The director of the movie is Dany Papineau, and it includes a cast of multiple other stars such as Mirianne Brûlé, Jessica Malka, and others.
  • The movie has won an award and received reviews by two users and two critics.
  • “2 Frogs in the West” was rated 14A in the province of Alberta in Canada and not rated in the United States.
  • The movie was also known as “2 Frogs dans l’Ouest” in French in Canada.
  • The film cost an estimated CAD 450,000 to produce.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Montréal, Québec, Canada
    • Latitude: 45.5018869
    • Longitude: -73.56739189999999
    • Place ID: ChIJDbdkHFQayUwR7-8fITgxTmU
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Montreal, QC, Canada
    • Timezone: America/Toronto
  • Location Name: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    • Latitude: 49.2827291
    • Longitude: -123.1207375
    • Place ID: ChIJs0-pQ_FzhlQRi_OBm-qWkbs
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Vancouver, BC, Canada
    • Timezone: America/Vancouver
  • Location Name: Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
    • Latitude: 50.11616859999999
    • Longitude: -122.9535117
    • Place ID: ChIJh3uVA7I8h1QR9s_1dehBt0o
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Whistler, BC V8E, Canada
    • Timezone: America/Vancouver